Newbie encapsulation question

Newbie encapsulation question

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slipmat posted on Friday, July 21, 2006

Good OO programming encourages encapsulating all data that an object needs within the object, so I'm after feedback on the following simple scenario:
I have a QuoteInfo (RO) class, which basically has only 3 pieces of data:
SmartDate CreationDate
Customer ??  (for ToString in the QuoteInfo object which will show FirstName, LastName & CompanyName if appropriate)
When pulling data from the Data Store, should I also get the FirstName, LastName, CompanyName fields from the Customer table in a SELECT / JOIN statement, or should I get an Instance of the CustomerInfo class with the CustomerID, and then use the Customer's own properties / tostring method to get the required name string?

Thanks for your input.

msk replied on Friday, July 21, 2006

I would normally put CustomerID and CustomerName in the QuoteInfo class in a situation like that.  Although you are probably denormalizing behaviour (having QuoteInfo contain CustomerInfo would be normalizing it) I think the gains in performance and in simplicity are worth it.  If your CustomerInfo class starts to get a lot of extra responsiblities that are also needed in your QuoteInfo class then the two class approach becomes more benificial. 

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, July 21, 2006

I would default to loading the values directly into your QuoteInfo object - including the values from the customer table. It sounds like you are implementing a "display quote information" use case, and in that context the customer data is quote data.

slipmat replied on Sunday, July 23, 2006

Thank you for your input. I will take your advice.

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