ObjectDataSource / CslaDataSource / ObjectContainerDataSource vs. Medium Trust Web Hosting

ObjectDataSource / CslaDataSource / ObjectContainerDataSource vs. Medium Trust Web Hosting

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6912.aspx

pfeds posted on Thursday, May 07, 2009

Right, this isn't strictly a CSLA question but I figured I would ask here as you guys are more intelligent than on other forums!

I created a web app with CSLA and WCSF, but then due to the only hosting available being Medium trust I have been in the process of dumbing the app down.

CslaDataSource uses reflection so doesn't work in medium trust. I made an attempt at using the Microsoft patterns & practices ObjectContainerDataSource, but again this won't work in medium trust.

I've had to fall back onto the ObjectDataSource but this doesn't fit my business object well at all. I use info objects a lot (something that CSLA taught me), and these don't work very well with the ObjectDataSource... I'll explain a bit further...

I have grid views (x30 +) bound to lists of info objects, and these can be updated or deleted. Previously I would use the id to retrieve the full fat object and update it, but with the ObjectDataSource it won't work as the type is the info object and it attempts to update internally as it attempts to update the read-only properties.

So I'm left tearing my hair out as all three options are flawed in some way.

I believe there has been some work on CSLA for Silverlight. Has the CslaDataSource been reworked to run in partial trust? Alternatively any other ideas would be more than welcome..!!

pfeds replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Anybody!? :o(

pfeds replied on Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nobody then...

RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, May 17, 2009

I believe there has been some work on CSLA for Silverlight. Has the CslaDataSource been reworked to run in partial trust?

No, CSLA .NET for Silverlight only includes functionality to support client-side Silverlight application development.

I had thought that I'd need to adapt some of that functionality to server-side code for Windows Azure, but it now sounds like Azure will support full trust, and so I expect CSLA .NET for Windows to work in that environment as-is.

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