Assuming EF 2 achieves the goals around the use of POCOs, it should play better with CSLA than today. If not, then we'll have to wait for EF 3 to really get there. Time will tell, but history indicates that version 3 of a product is when it gets really good.
The thing to remember is that EF does something very different from CSLA, and visa versa. EF 2 doesn't change that - it just opens up better ways for EF to interact with other frameworks and models (such as CSLA).
EF is a data access technology. CSLA is a business layer creation technology. They really don't focus on the same things at all.
Now if you told me that EF was going to get data binding support, formalized business/validation/authorization rules support, n-level undo support and support for n-tier distributed models so you could switch between 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-tier physical deployments with no change to your UI, business or data access code - then it would seem like CSLA had no value.
But that's not what is happening. What is happening is that EF is gaining the ability to persist data from POCOs, and if they do this right, it could mean EF can persist data from things like CSLA objects. That would be very cool!
In fact, the reason the ObjectFactory concepts were added in CSLA 3.6 is in anticipation of EF gaining these capabilities. If Microsoft gets it right, CSLA should be able to include a pre-build ObjectFactory implementation that leverages EF to persist CSLA objects directly - thus radically reducing the amount of code you need to write to create a DAL (assuming you like the code generated by the EF designers).
But in the end, we won't know how EF 2 will play out until it gets closer to release and we see exactly how flexible the POCO support is.
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