I've been trying to get the CSLALight builds 3.6.1-3 to compile with my new SL 3 installation but cannot get around the error "Failed to generate code for the service reference 'WcfPortal'". If anyone has done this successfully, what is the work around?
I tried turning off the "Reuse types in referenced assemblies" option but then of course my app can no longer connect to the server. I'm going to keep working on this but if anyone has any insight I would greatly appreciate it!
I posted to the one thread I could find on this but am awaiting response--that thread contains more unanswered questions than solutions. I do realize that SL3 is beta and, as such, is not supported by Csla. I'm looking for any insight from people who may have gotten this working.
was able to compile CSLA for Silverlight using SL 3.0. Here are the
Update CSLA for .NET solution
Add web project to expose data portal. Use you can use
project from svn - \cslalighttest\UnitTest\Web
This project was used to generate the initial reference to Wcf
Portal for CSLA for SL
Setup startup project to web and run the solution
Portal info should now be available for CSLA SL
solution. You can test this in browser by using WcfPortal.svc in
the browser URL
Open CSLA light solution
Right click on service reference to WcfPortal and select
Uncheck re-use types in all referenced assemblies (root cause of
the problem – at least appears to be)
Check all assemblies listed with exception of System
Click OK
You now should be able to update assembly reference and generate
proxy classes, then compile entire solution
I also had to remove and re-add reference to
System.Windows.Controls.Data (SL Data Grid stuff)
You can now remove Web project from CSLA for .NET solution
I did not verify that compiled CSLA for SL assembly actually works – ran
out of time
Sergey Barskiy
Principal Consultant
office: 678.405.0687 |
mobile: 404.388.1899
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year | Custom
Development Solutions, Technical Innovation
From: pondosinat
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 1:49 PM
To: Sergey Barskiy
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] Trick for compiling with SL3?
I posted to the one thread I could find on this but am awaiting
response--that thread contains more unanswered questions than solutions. I do
realize that SL3 is beta and, as such, is not supported by Csla. I'm looking
for any insight from people who may have gotten this working.
Thanks for detailing out those steps! I was hoping that unchecking the "System" reference would be the answer but unfortunately still getting the same error from the client when trying to run the Silverlight app- "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'WcfPortal.IWcfPortal' in the ServiceModel client configuration section.
I'm digging further to see what this error is...
Thanks again for your help,
am guessing it is a namespace issue. Could you see what you have in references.cs
file – you can look for IWcfPortal interface.
Sergey Barskiy
Principal Consultant
office: 678.405.0687 |
mobile: 404.388.1899
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year | Custom
Development Solutions, Technical Innovation
From: pondosinat
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 5:35 PM
To: Sergey Barskiy
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] RE: Trick for compiling with SL3?
Thanks for detailing out those steps! I was hoping that unchecking the
"System" reference would be the answer but unfortunately still
getting the same error from the client when trying to run the Silverlight app-
"Could not find default endpoint element that references contract
'WcfPortal.IWcfPortal' in the ServiceModel client configuration section.
I'm digging further to see what this error is...
Thanks again for your help,
Hi Sergey,
Good news! I was able to get my SL3 app to run successfully with CSLA. I ended up just running a diff on the two CslaLight folders--the first being the version before auto-upgrading to SL3 and the other after the upgrade. Sure enough, the VS auto-upgrade totally wipded out the references.cs file. So, I just replaced that file with the original 3.6.2 version and everything worked! No need to add or remove references. Here is a quick step by step to get CSLA working with SL3:
1) Auto-upgrade the CslaLight solution in VS.
2) Replace the file /Service References/WcfPortal/Reference.cs with the original version before the auto-upgrade.
3) Update any references to CSLA in your client app.
That's it!
Thanks again,
I also had to update the System.Windows.Controls.Data reference to the new SL3 assembly.
This is because in 3.6.x the reference to that assembly is version-specific.
As someone noted in another thread, perhaps I should change that. But really I shouldn't, because there are two versions of that assembly floating around for SL2 - and only the December 08 one actually works (and that's not that one that comes with the SDK).
Hopefully in 3.7 I'll be able to change the reference so it is not version-specific, and that'll simplify the process.
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