I've been monitoring their work, but from a short distance.
As I've said before, the reason the object factory concept was added to the data portal in CSLA 3.6 is in anticipation of EF gaining the ability to directly persist a CSLA object graph.
There's more to it than just creating the correct object instances though. Most objects in 3.6 and higher (in my code at least) use managed backing fields. And many objects have fields that are not exposed directly through public read-write properties. And even if they all were exposed through public read-write properties, using the property interface triggers authorization and business rule processing.
So there's also the need for EF to delegate the get/set operations for field values to CSLA or the business object, so those operations can be done properly within the context of CSLA .NET.
I've talked to the EF team about this, and there's a very real possibility that they'll enable this scenario - maybe in 4.0, maybe later.
My priorities right now though, put .NET 4.0 a bit in the future:
And of course do various work for Magenic, finish a project I'm doing for Microsoft and enjoy my short summer (living in Minnesota, we have to enjoy the nice weather while it is here :) ).
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