Client-only Question

Client-only Question

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LParker posted on Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I'm new to CSLA .NET and am awaiting my copy of Expert C# 2008 Business Objects in the mail.

In the meantime, I've been playing around with the Project Tracker sample to get a feel for it.

Is there any way to avoid including server-side code (e.g. LINQ to SQL for Fetch) in the business objects so the client-side doesn't get this code deployed?  The Project Tracker app uses partial classes and *.Server.cs files to better partition the database access code, but they are still part of the assembly that is distributed to the client.

I'm not planning on using the .NET client-only framework (at this point, anyway), but it would be nice at some point, and I know they disallow server technologies like LINQ to SQL in that (which makes sense).  Aside from that, I like to encapsulate my LINQ to SQL code in "data manager" assemblies anyway, and I don't want these on the client side.

Thanks for any help.


JonnyBee replied on Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Yes, you can move the data access code to another assembly using the ObjectFactory classes.

And - even if you use Linq2Sql or Linq2EF in the Dataportal_XYZ methods (and keep the LinqDAL models in a separate assembly) does not require you to have the LinqDAL assemblies distribued to the client.

I would suggest you buy the "CSLA for Silverlight" video series from Rocky. Video #6 is almost 109 minutes dedicated to different data access technologies and organization code.


LParker replied on Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thanks, I appreciate the help.



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