The CSLA .NET for Silverlight video series is now complete! Segment 7, covering authentication and authorization, is now online and this completes all video segments – over 8 hours of content!
The CSLA .NET for Silverlight video series is an invaluable resource for getting started with CSLA .NET on the Silverlight platform. The series starts with the basics of setting up a Silverlight solution, covers the creation of client-only applications using CSLA .NET and then moves to a discussion of creating 2-, 3- and 4-tier applications using CSLA .NET on the client and on the server(s).
Segments 5 and 6 cover CSLA .NET object stereotypes and data access respectively. These segments are also available for purchase as individual videos, because they are useful to any CSLA .NET developer, including ASP.NET, WPF, Windows Forms and more.
Segment 7 covers the use of Windows authentication, MembershipProvider authentication and custom authentication using CSLA .NET for Silverlight against an ASP.NET web or application server. It also covers the use of per-property and per-type authorization in business classes, and talks about how the PropertyStatus, ObjectStatus and CslaDataProvider controls interact with those rules.
Buy the video series before June 20 and save $50 off the regular purchase price of $300.
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