Naming: I'll add a bug
UI stuff: Yes, we had to do this because Silverlight is missing so much functionality at the UI level that it wasn't realistic to build apps using CSLA without the UI stuff.
I laugh to hear I should add assemblies. You can't imagine all the crap I got from people when CSLA was multiple assemblies years ago, and how much joy people expressed when I consolidated into a single assembly :)
Docs: I am ever so aware of the missing XML comments. And if I had time I'd fix them all. As it is, I'm slowly adding comments as I work on the code here and there.
You do realize I do this for free, and I (for the most part) do this alone?
You do a good job and i doubt i would had done the same thing even if i had the time. I get payed to do what i'm good in, ok and do some stuff for a motorclub and my wow guild :)
Anyway, u really can't spit CSLA up into 2 assemblies, just to get rid of the grid reference hehe..
Or isn't Silverlight version 3 not missing UI functionality?
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