I have this applicaton (Windows Forms) that uses some fairly large images. The client's network isn't super-speedy, and it's very noticeable when retrieving a read-only root that contains an image.
I was thinking it's be nice to cache the images somewhere on the client machine. Although I'm not using an application server, I want to make sure I don't do anything that might break that.
What I was thinking was to check for the serialized object on the client's drive in one of the static Get methods. If it exists there, de-serialize it and return it, by-passing the data portal. If it doesn't exist, retrieve using the data portal, and serialize it before giving back to the client.
Anything wrong with this? CSLA-wise or other-wise?
Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realize that serialization included version information. So that wouldn't work for me.
Thinking about it, for this use case, I only need the image property of the object, not the whole object. So I think I may make another, simpler business object, that just contains this one property.
Then I should be able to "serialize/deserialize" - just reading and writing the raw bytes of the image, and I don't think that anything would break when my object/assembly gets updated.
If you are storing the image in a database like SQL Server I would recommend storing it in a seperate table. This could really speed things up when your database grows. Especially if you ever load data from the table without the image (like a read-only list).
Thanks for the tip. I am using Sql Server - 2005. The image is not in a different table (yet). And I do load data from the table without the image.
I'll have about 300 records in this table. Most of the images are about 300 KB, but there's a handful that are a meg or two. In addition, there's another image column that's the thumbnail version of the image.
Good candidate to use a seperate table for the images?
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