The smart date class is pretty neat.
Isn't there a need for a SmartInt, SmartDecimal, etc., that can handle nulls as gracefully?
Has anyone tried doing that?
Though if you goal is merely to allow data binding to work with null values, then you can use Nullable<T> (or int? in C#). Binding still doesn't work right without some help, but this blog entry points to a solution from some guys in Norway
What a timely post. This is actually what brought me to the forum today. Is databinding to a Windows Form control the only limitation to using System.Nullable<T>?
I have lost hair over the last few years dealing the need to have a "not set" indicator for various properties that are of primitive types (int, bool, etc.). Easy enough with enumerations to add a NotSet value, but how to deal with this with a ValueType? SmartDate accomplishes this but I've never been completely comfortable with using the MinValue/MaxValue to indicate 'null'. System.Nullable<T> seems like a great way around this and I have already put it in place with some custom configuration file stuff where I only want to reset the programmed defaults if the value was actually entered into the config file.
For those of you who have not lost sleep along with me deciphering the new System.Configuration classes, when you create a custom element, for instance, you define the type of the attribute and a default value when you construct the custom element. A nice feature of these classes is that the object graph is created even if the entries don't exist in the config file. In this case, each property/attribute will be given the default value that you defined in the constructor. And, in a typical implementation, these config settings are mapped to some other object that is a "normal" component of your application. So, issue #1 with all of this is that your default value is defined in two places!!! Never a good thing. Issue #2 is that it is preferable to only set the value from the config file if it was actually defined in the file. Unless you have some way of determining this, your SOL.
Enter System.Nullable<T>.
In all of our custom config classes, we've replace primitive value types with System.Nullable<valuetype> and a default value of 'null'. Then in the code the maps the config settings to our objects, we test the HasValue property to detect if the setting was actually in the config file. This works great because now we can change our default values in one place and not have to worry about collateral affects. In addition, we have avoided the MinValue/MaxValue scenario (which doesn't work with boolean types!?!?!).
So, why not use System.Nullable<T>? And why not implement SmartDate as System.Nullable<System.DateTime> and eliminate the MinValue/MaxValue issue? I know the issues with formatting, parsing and comparing that are mentioned in the book and am not suggesting that we completely throw out SmartDate. What I mean is, could there be a compromise that takes the behavior/implementation of System.Nullable and the benefits of delegation from SmartDate to create a better...NullableDate?
I guess I'm wondering what is really under-the-hood of System.Nullable? Isn't it really doing the same thing SmartDate is as far as delegation goes? And, wouldn't a null value be reflected by not having a reference to the internal object to delegate to? However, in trying to implement this, we would be back to the same problem with value types - how do we know that the internal variable is null? In other words, we'd have something like:
public class NullableDate
private DateTime value;
public System.Boolean HasValue
return (value != null);
Won't work!
Does default(T) somehow make this work? So, if we had this instead:
public class NullableDate<T>
private T value;
public System.Boolean HasValue
return (value != default(T));
Would we have System.Nullable???
Thanks for letting me vent...
I spent about 30 minutes cloning SmartDate into SmartInt this afternoon.
I'll be testing it over the next week, and will post it if it works out.
Rocky, would you like to add them to the framework if we supply them? I would think they would be very stable over time, thus requiring little to no maintenance on your part... :)
From: david.wendelken []
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] RE: Why not SmartInt, etc.?I spent about 30 minutes cloning SmartDate into SmartInt this afternoon.
I'll be testing it over the next week, and will post it if it works out.
Rocky, would you like to add them to the framework if we supply them? I would think they would be very stable over time, thus requiring little to no maintenance on your part... :)
The DotNetNuke project has a pretty reasonable one that protects the interests of all parties.
Want a copy of it to look at?
From: david.wendelken []
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] RE: RE: Why not SmartInt, etc.?The DotNetNuke project has a pretty reasonable one that protects the interests of all parties.
Want a copy of it to look at?
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