ProjectTracker DalLinq

ProjectTracker DalLinq

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PederSvaleng posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm trying to recreate the ProjectTracker.DalLinq project as described i Expert Business Objects 2008, but the compiler gives me lots of errors.

The problem appears when I add the tables and stored procedures for the security database.

A partial method may not have multiple defining declarations
The type 'ProjectTracker.DalLinq.Role' already contains a definition for 'emptyChangingEventArgs'.

I thought this would be the easiest thing...
Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

PederSvaleng replied on Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It seems like there was a namespace conflict..

In Lhotkas DalLinq project there was two different namespaces in PTracker.dbml (ProjectTracker.DalLinq) and Security.dbml (ProjectTracker.DalLinq.Security).

I changed it manually and now it works.

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