EditableRootListBase changesEditableRootListBase changes
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/7197.aspx
Slayer posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Im using the EditableRootListBase with a list of Customer objects.
Each Customer object is a root object (Not a child) meaning that it is responsible for saving, deleting and adding.
Im developing the business objects. Another developer is responsible for the UI. How do I force the UI developer to do all the save, delete and update actions VIA the ERLB collection? Some of the developers are invoking the Save method on the Customer object rather that on the ERLB.
What was intended with the ERLB -> Can I use the Customer object without the ERLB -> Or should I always access my Customer objects through the ERLB.
ThanksRockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, June 30, 2009
ERLB is designed to support one very narrow scenario - binding a collection to an editable datagrid.
If that is your scenario, then the UI developer needs to do NO WORK because data binding will automatically invoke the correct save operation for you.
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