How do you pass several parameters to DataPortal_Fetch()?How do you pass several parameters to DataPortal_Fetch()?
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superkuton posted on Friday, July 03, 2009
How do you pass several parameters to DataPortal_Fetch()?
Is this valid?
Private Overloads Sub DataPortal_Fetch(ByVal startdate As SingleCriteria(Of ScheduleList, Date), ByVal enddate As SingleCriteria(Of ScheduleList, Date), ByVal qualification As SingleCriteria(Of ScheduleList, String))
'codes to get data
End Sub
And how do you call the procedure in the Factory Methods?
Vinodonly replied on Saturday, July 04, 2009
in c# book page 81, 203 this is given..
In short,
SingleCriteria can be used when you have only one parameter to pass
For multiples values (like in your case), you will have to create a class which inherits from criteriabase or create a nested class in your BO..
Remember criteria class is just a datacontainer to carry different criteria/key values to dataportal, so you can subclass and put whatever values you want and retreive in DataportalVinodonly replied on Saturday, July 04, 2009
i'm not using vb, so i generated following code through a generator. This is a example of embeded criteria class in your BO, where you have two parameters
IMP : Tags not being shown here but you have to mark your criteria class as Serializable
Protected Class CriteriaTS
Private _empMainID As Int32
Public ReadOnly Property EmpMainID() As Int32
Return _empMainID
End Get
End Property
Private _lastChanged As Byte()
Public ReadOnly Property LastChanged() As Byte()
Return _lastChanged
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal empMainID As Int32, ByVal lastChanged As Byte())
_empMainID = empMainID
_lastChanged = lastChanged
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
If TypeOf obj Is CriteriaTS
Dim c As CriteriaTS = DirectCast(obj, CriteriaTS)
If Not _empMainID.Equals(c._empMainID) Then Return False
If Not _lastChanged.Equals(c._lastChanged) Then Return False
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
Return String.Concat("CriteriaTS", _empMainID.ToString(), _lastChanged.ToString()).GetHashCode()
End Function
End Class
Then in your dataportal, you will define it like this
Protected Overloads Sub DataPortal_Delete(ByVal crit As CriteriaTS)
Using ctx = ConnectionManager(Of SqlConnection).GetManager(Database.OrdersConnection, False)
Using cmd As New SqlCommand("EmpMainDel", ctx.Connection)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EmpMainID", crit.EmpMainID)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastChanged", crit.LastChanged)
Dim args As New DataPortalHookArgs(cmd, crit)
End Using
End Using
End Subsuperkuton replied on Saturday, July 04, 2009
Yap, I finally got it.
Thank you vinodonly.
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