Child_update override returns compiler error

Child_update override returns compiler error

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Vinodonly posted on Sunday, July 19, 2009

Child_update override returns compiler error that no method was found to override. I'm using following method signature in my child collection

protected override void Child_Update(MyParent parent)

In this particular case, there is some special handling required so cannot use the default implementation of CSLA.

RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is in BLB?

To override a method you have to use the exact method signature defined by the base class.

Visual Studio will help you get this right if you just type "override" and hit the spacebar - you'll get a list of possible overrides, and if you select the right one VS will create the empty method for you.

Child_Update() looks like this:

protected virtual void Child_Update(params object[] parameters)

So your override must match that signature.

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