SilverLight CslaDataProvider.FactoryParameters & CslaDataProvider

SilverLight CslaDataProvider.FactoryParameters & CslaDataProvider

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SouthSpawn posted on Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I understand the tag CslaDataProvider.FactoryParameters in XAML.

I understand how you can hardcore the parameter values that will pass to the factory client side method.

Two Questions.
1. Is it possible to set the parameters values "Dynamically" without using "code behind"
Any example syntax to show this?

2. If I have a <Grid> control on the xaml page.
What if for some reason I need to Bind to that grid in a code behind file.

What is the proper Syntax for this in the code behind file?

RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In WPF you can use "reverse binding" to bind the output of a TextBox (or other control) to the parameters collection - purely through XAML. You can see an example of this in PTWpf in the ProjectList.xaml file.

I don't know if this is possible, even in Silverlight 3. While SL3 adds element binding, I don't think they added relative binding, which is what's used in the WPF technique.

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