CSLA Scalability/OT: Oracle CRM experience

CSLA Scalability/OT: Oracle CRM experience

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/734.aspx

Misled posted on Wednesday, July 26, 2006

We have a real issue at the company I work for. They spent 8 million for Oracle CRM. OUCH!!! The REALLY bad part is that it doesn't work very well in certain areas. Any comments from someone experienced with Oracle CRM would be greatly appreciated. I especially want comments about what I am proposing to do to solve some of these issues.

I want to solve these issues with a custom app. We are using (I am told) the telesales component (among many others) of Oracle CRM to generate/open service calls. We then use the same app to close those calls. It's slow (Java) and really clunky and hard to use. The CRM part of Oracle CRM is just an application that accesses the Oracle database and reads and updates data as needed. Are there people in this forum that have experience with Oracle CRM. Is so, how hard is it to replace mission critical parts of Oracle CRM to solve the type of issues we are having? I suspect it would be fairly simple to figure out the database schema in such a way as to bypass Oracle CRM and do the telesales app ourselves with a custom app (and still be able to display it in native Oracle CRM telesales). My experience with CSLA tells me that it is more than scalable enough to handle such a mission. Am I wrong? Right? Stupid?  :)

Thanks in advance....


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