I just downloaded CSLA for Silverlight 3.7.0. As an intial step to getting this together I did a compile of CSLACS and get an error 75 "AL.exe" was not found. Says it is looking for HKey_Localmachine...\v6.04. I have that key but with no refrence to AL.exe, I do have another key ending in V6.1 that does have a refrence to AL.exe. I double checked and I have all the other things installed Server 2008 SDK, Framework 3.5, etc. How do I fix this?
cslacs is a simple .NET class library project, though it does require .NET 3.5 SP1 and VS 2008 SP1.
AL.EXE is the assembly linker, and it is a standard part of a .NET developer install. If your VS installation can't find AL.EXE, you probably have a messed up VS install, and you should consider doing a repair or reinstall.
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