Role & Permission questionRole & Permission question
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forrest posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hi ,I am from china,the is wonderful,thanks!
I have a question when I am implementing a new project with csla,maybe,it's not a question with csla.but can you give me some suggestion?please
In project tracker app,RoleName like 'ProjectManager''Administrator',a role can or can not do something has been designed,I think it just like Permission.
But with RBAC Rule,
User --- Role --- Permission
I think a role's permission shoud be configed with demands,so that are there any goods from IPrincipal.IsInRole method,because i don't know a role's permission.
In my new project,a corporation has many branches,so the roles may contain
regional manager
sale manager
Every role can view different data by region/department/customer,so it can not work well if I code like User.IsInRole("Saler").
I have puzzled by this question for some days,do you have some suggestion to me?
Forgive of my poor english!
forrest replied on Thursday, July 30, 2009
Do you mean we can use permission instead of role in realword?
ajj3085 replied on Thursday, July 30, 2009
I had forgotten about that blog post, but I'm glad it was reposted because in the very near future I'll be moving to users -> roles -> permissions.
Andytriplea replied on Thursday, July 30, 2009
Based on the informaiton of the above link, I have slightly modified the example found here:
And have found it to work really well.
forrest replied on Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thanks,your code is really work well.
SonOfPirate replied on Friday, July 31, 2009
Try this one on for size...
I've been working with permission-based authorization for many years now and have to admit that my latest iteration is without a doubt the cleanest solution - I have the .NET 3.5 team to thank.
I've simply implemented an extension method on the IPrincipal interface:
public static bool HasPermission(this IPrincipal principal, Permission requestPermission)
// Do the work
Now in my application(s) I can simply call this method as if it was a built-in part of the IPrincipal interface. Plus, all of the logic in encapsulated in the extension method, so it's been a win-win for me.
Hope that helps.
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