There really isn't a good way to do this. IIRC, this has been asked a few times on the forum, and I don't remember seeing any real good suggestions. If your DP is running locally, you could create an event aggregator that your UI and BO's could talk to (and I would definitely use one, to help keep this stuff loosely coupled.) But I wouldn't necessarily consider that a good idea, primarily because it won't work if/when you go to a remote DP. Once you start writing code like that, you begin to lose one of the benefits of CSLA - location independence.
Is there a reason that a busy animation won't work?
- Scott
You could certainly do a fetch, though that's obviously going to be one more touch to the database. It's not a big one, but in a remote-DP environment, you may notice the delay.
I'd also consider my "busy animation" suggestion. You could leverage your progressbar idea and use an "indeterminate progress bar" - one that increments based on a time interval rather than actual progress. I know that probably none of us are fans of those (thank you, Microsoft installs), but it does have its uses if handled correctly. I find the "cylon marquee" style works OK in this case. Or you can use one of the many animations available - depending on your version of CSLA and UI technology, there's one in CSLA you could probably leverage. Basically, anything that moves is going to be better than just a static hourglass, and you won't have to hit the database twice.
- Scott
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