How do you make BusinessListBase of BusinessListBase of BusinessListBase sortable when using BindingSource?How do you make BusinessListBase of BusinessListBase of BusinessListBase sortable when using BindingSource?
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snakebyteme posted on Friday, August 21, 2009
I have multiple lists of objects that contain other lists which are bound to DataGridViews using DataSource & DataMember.
I need every list to be sortable.
I can make the parent list object sortable by converting it to a SortedBindingList
Since I am unable to access the DataMembers in the BindingSource tree, I can not convert the children lists to SortedBindingLists.
Ideally I want to have all List objects sortable by default in the hierarchy, so no additional code is needed when chaining up BindingSources to one another.
How can I make each BusinessListBase object sortable in a datagridview by default?
If the BusinessListBase objects were all sortable (preferrably multi-property sortable), then I would not have this problem.
An ideal solution would be to have a SortableBusinessListBase object to inherit from instead of BusinessListBase.
Every list is a child of an object contained in another list.
List1(of ItemA)
ItemA has a property of List2(of ItemB)
ItemB has a property of List3(of ItemC)
List1BindingSource.DataSource = List1
List1GridView.DataSource = List1BindingSource
List2BindingSource.DataSource = List1BindingSource
List2BindingSource.DataMember = "List2"
List2GridView.DataSource = List2BindingSource
List3BindingSource.DataSource = List2BindingSource
List3BindingSource.DataMember = "List3"
List3GridView.DataSource = List3BindingSource
snakebyteme replied on Tuesday, September 01, 2009
10 days, not even one reply. I guess $60 for the book gets you what you paid for: a free unsupported framework and a book that that uses generics just like the framework.
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