I've been pondering this very issue. My thought was to create a set of descendents of the baseobjects (BLB, BB, etc) and override SetProperty to store the changes in an "AuditObject". Then override .Save to write the AuditObjects data to a Log table somewhere when the Save completes.
Again, this may absolutely be the wrong way, but it's the path I'm about ready to explore.
Jeff Young
If only...!
Sadly we have a need to access legacy FoxPro data at the moment, and only when all of our old forms have been migrated to dotnet could we consider changing databases.
Its certainly one for the future though...
This is basically what we did, except that we instead intercept a "OnPropertyChanging" notification and use this to capture the previous property value. Note that your implementation has to be smart enough to detect when somethine puts the original value back before saving the object, in which case no change occurred and nothing needs to be logged in the audit log(which is why we grab and cache the original value in the implementation when it's changed to something else).
This sounds intriguing. Would you mind posting a sample BO using this methodology?
This is implemented in a common base class (rather large), but I can post some pieces.
The idea was to have the capability to store the original value of any changed property. I took a page out of Rocky's Undo playbook and used a HybridDictionary for this.
If you don't change any properties, then no space (other than empty reference to value cache) is wasted. You also don't preallocate space for each property -- only the changed ones are stored.
Some of this you won't probably use -- for example, we use parts of it to enforce column-level (versus row-level) database concurrency.
As you can see, for auditing purposes it is pretty easy to get a list of field that have changed and what the old values were...
Here is the implementation:
#region Changed Value Support // Changed Value Support modeled after WOMapperBusinessBase implementation, except it // uses property names only and ignores member fieldnames // Similar OnPropertyChanging() interface kept for consistency/switchability protected virtual void OnPropertyChanging(string propertyName, object oldValue, string memberfieldName) { // Enforce authorization rules CanWriteProperty(propertyName, true); // When editing existing object, cache original value on first property change // for dirty field/concurrency support. // NOTE: Differs from WORMapperBusinessBase implementation because uses property and not field names if (!IsNew && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) { CacheValue(propertyName, oldValue); } } protected void CacheValue(string propertyName, object oldValue) { // Cache only value types for now if (!ValueCache.Contains(propertyName) && (oldValue == null || oldValue.GetType().IsValueType || !typeof(Csla.Core.BusinessBase).IsAssignableFrom(oldValue.GetType()))) ValueCache.Add(propertyName, oldValue); } public void ClearConcurrencyCache() { if (!ReferenceEquals(_valueCache, null)) _valueCache.Clear(); _valueCache = null; } protected System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary _valueCache; protected System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary ValueCache { get { if (ReferenceEquals(_valueCache, null)) _valueCache = new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary(); return _valueCache; } } protected T ReconstructOriginal() { T copy = this.Clone(); if (!ReferenceEquals(_valueCache, null) && _valueCache.Count > 0) { foreach (object key in _valueCache.Keys) { Util.ReflectHelper.SetPropertyValue( copy, key.ToString(), _valueCache[key]); } } return copy; } protected void CopyChangedFields(T target) { if (!ReferenceEquals(_valueCache, null) && _valueCache.Count > 0) { foreach (object key in _valueCache.Keys) { Util.ReflectHelper.SetPropertyValue( target, key.ToString(), _valueCache[key]); } } } protected bool IsDirtyProperty(string fieldMember) { object original; return IsDirtyProperty(fieldMember, out original); } protected bool IsDirtyProperty(string fieldMember, out object original) { bool bDirty = false; original = null; if (_valueCache != null && _valueCache.Contains(fieldMember)) { object cachedValue = _valueCache[fieldMember]; object currentValue = Util.ReflectHelper.GetPropertyValue(this, fieldMember); if (!object.Equals(cachedValue, currentValue)) { original = cachedValue; bDirty = true; } } return bDirty; } #endregion
rsbaker0:As you can see, for auditing purposes it is pretty easy to get a list of field that have changed and what the old values were...
RedShiftZ:Very nice. Two things..
Do you override Save() in your WOMapperBusinessBase or do you handle saving the changes in the DataPortal_Update()? Have an example you can share?
What do 'Util.ReflectHelper.GetPropertyValue' & 'Util.ReflectHelper.SetPropertyValue' do?
I do the main updating in DataPortal_Update() -- pretty much a requirement if you want to support a 3-tier deployment as Save() executes client-side.
I could provide an example, but I'm using an ORM as DAL, so I don't know how much it would help. In a nutshell, I reconstruct the original object, tell the ORM to start tracking it, copy the changes to the object be tracked, and then tell the ORM to persist the object. Changes to child objects are propagated similarly.
The auditing mechanism itself is invoked as part of this update. It just inspects the valuecache above and (depending on our configuration), optionally writes out individual objects into a separate logging table, one per changed property.
The other methods are simple reflection helpers. Here is the source. (These are older and now that I look at them, some minor refactoring is probably in order, but you get the idea...)
static public object GetPropertyValue(object target, string property, BindingFlags flags) { PropertyInfo pi = target.GetType().GetProperty(property, flags); if (pi == null) pi = target.GetType().GetProperty(property); if (pi != null) { return pi.GetValue(target, null); } else throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid property name", property); } static public object GetPropertyValue(Type type, string property) { PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(property, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); if (pi != null) { return pi.GetValue(null, null); } else throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid property name {0} for type {1}", property, type)); } static public void SetPropertyValue(object target, string property, object newValue) { SetPropertyValue(target, property, newValue, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance); } static public void SetPropertyValue(object target, string property, object newValue, BindingFlags flags) { PropertyInfo pi = target.GetType().GetProperty(property, flags); if (pi == null) pi = target.GetType().GetProperty(property, flags | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase); if (pi != null) { pi.SetValue(target, newValue, null); } else throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid property name", property); }
NickTaylor:You are a long way ahead of me here, but I am interested in what you have done. Can I ask a ( probably dumb ) question... I'm not clear on how and where you trigger the initial updating of the value cache, i.e. how do you call OnPropertyChanging() ? I am currently using the 2005 version of CSLA, and I dont see and event suitable for this. I am interested in your methodology here, and would welcome any further advice... Thanks, Nick
Sorry, I was out of town for a few days.
With managed properties, CSLA will call OnPropertyChanging() for you.
If you are implementing your own non-managed properties, then you do this in your property setter. This can get tedious without snippets or code generation, but here is an example from our code generator. Note that we don't use CSLA property-level authorizations so there is some missing code here if you plan on doing that.
private string _lastName; ///Database mapping to column EMPLOYEE.LastName [DisplayColumn("Last", 1)] public string LastName { get { return _lastName; } set { if (_lastName != value) { OnPropertyChanging("LastName", _lastName, "_lastName" ); _lastName = value; OnPropertyChanged("LastName"); } } }
Can I ask another question ( a slight off topic ), but related to the thread we have been discussing here...
We are converting an in-house application from Visual Foxpro to dotnet using CSLA as the base framework. The old application was a badly written / badly structured application where everything sat in the UI layer. There was no n-tier structuring of any kind. ( which of course now means we cant change the damn thing! )
I believe you have a separate Data Access Layer, and then I guess a number of other layers perhaps one for business logic and one for your user interface ( in its most simplistic form ). This would be the way I am looking to go at the moment. Currently however in our initial CSLA coding, I'm not convinced we have got it quite right as there is still too much in the UI layer, and my "business logic" is sitting a bit uncomfortably in the middle. Im sure it isn't really structured in a clean and scalable manner.
So, if we take a typical CSLA business object ( i.e. anything based on BusinessBase ), I should consider these to be the DAL components / layer of the application. In fact currently I have one for each of my FoxPro tables, and typically they have their DataPortal_Insert(), DataPortalUpdate(), and DataPortalFetch() methods populated with the relevant code. They also have a bunch of static methods such as ( in the case of BoCustomer ), GetByCustID(string CustID), and GetByCustName(string custName) etc. etc. I might also have a few methods such as Exists(string custID), or IsOnCreditHold(string custID), which obviously return boolean information as and when required.
But, thinking about it, shouldn't the last two methods sit in the business logic layer ?, And indeed what CSLA objects should comprise the business logic layer ?Are they typically command objects that each perform a specific function in line with a prescribed use case ? Presumably these are quite fine grained with lots of objects all providing a specific function.
I then have transactional requirements, for example I might have a method that removes a part from inventory. This may have a number of child tasks to complete such as checking if the bin is empty and then updating is empty status flag, and logging the transaction in the part transaction history. Should this sort of stuff all sit in the business layer ? Are these again just command objects that instantiate the relevant business objects, make the necessary changes, and then finish ?
I know that the UI should do nothing other than call methods in the business layer ( which is where we are falling short at present ), and perhaps the DAL too. The UI will need to grab data via the business objects ( or indeed business object collections ), it will need to verify what the user is doing whilst the form is open via calls to the business logic layer, and then it will allow the user to save their changes directly via the business objects Save() method.
Does that sound about right, or am I off track ( again )...!?
NickTaylor:So, if we take a typical CSLA business object ( i.e. anything based on BusinessBase ), I should consider these to be the DAL components / layer of the application.
In fact currently I have one for each of my FoxPro tables, and typically they have their DataPortal_Insert(), DataPortalUpdate(), and DataPortalFetch() methods populated with the relevant code.
IsOnCreditHold(string custID), which obviously return boolean information as and when required.
NickTaylor:So, if we take a typical CSLA business object ( i.e. anything based on BusinessBase ), I should consider these to be the DAL components / layer of the application. In fact currently I have one for each of my FoxPro tables, and typically they have their DataPortal_Insert(), DataPortalUpdate(), and DataPortalFetch() methods populated with the relevant code. They also have a bunch of static methods such as ( in the case of BoCustomer ), GetByCustID(string CustID), and GetByCustName(string custName) etc. etc. I might also have a few methods such as Exists(string custID), or IsOnCreditHold(string custID), which obviously return boolean information as and when required.
Maybe we are talking semantics, but I would not consider the CSLA BO a 'DAL' component even if it is 1:1 mapped to a table. It is a business object, it holds data and the methods/properties/rules that interact with that data. It is your business layer. That said, it is quite possible to have the DAL portion within your BO. However I think that a lot of people (myself included), separate out the DAL portion to a separate location. I, for example, took the simplistic approach of having a DAL class that takes care of the connection, reading cn string from config, and calling procs/sql on the database. I can generate most of the code by pointing it to the procs on the database, and create a partial class of methods that return datareaders. My DataPortal methods remain in the BO and call out to the DAL methods.
NickTaylor:But, thinking about it, shouldn't the last two methods sit in the business logic layer ?, And indeed what CSLA objects should comprise the business logic layer ?Are they typically command objects that each perform a specific function in line with a prescribed use case ? Presumably these are quite fine grained with lots of objects all providing a specific function.
Yes the 2 methods sit in your business layer, but the BO's are your business layer even if most are a 1:1 mapping to the underlying data model. It is possible that they are implemented as command objects, however your business objects should include ones that handle specific use cases. It is therefore possible to have a use case based business object that uses the command object to expose the functionality (a contains relationship).
NickTaylor:I then have transactional requirements, for example I might have a method that removes a part from inventory. This may have a number of child tasks to complete such as checking if the bin is empty and then updating is empty status flag, and logging the transaction in the part transaction history. Should this sort of stuff all sit in the business layer ? Are these again just command objects that instantiate the relevant business objects, make the necessary changes, and then finish ?
Some users of CSLA, myself included, have found it useful to create 'use case' based business objects whose job is to encapsulate the classes/functionality to complete a given use case. This use case controller may expose editable collections, read-only collections, command objects, mediate communication between bo's, orchastrate the work required to complete the task etc. Again this is a composition type of approach and I have found it useful in clarifying the scope and functionality that is needed to complete a given task.
NickTaylor:I know that the UI should do nothing other than call methods in the business layer ( which is where we are falling short at present ), and perhaps the DAL too. The UI will need to grab data via the business objects ( or indeed business object collections ), it will need to verify what the user is doing whilst the form is open via calls to the business logic layer, and then it will allow the user to save their changes directly via the business objects Save() method.
The use case controller approach I mentioned above can help clarify this confusion. The question I ask myself is "Can I take my business layer and do all the required tasks without the UI?" If the answer is 'no' then I may have some re-factoring to do. If the answer is 'yes' then I have something that is de-coupled from the UI, and that can be tested in isolation.
NickTaylor:Does that sound about right, or am I off track ( again )...!?
All the best,
rsbaker0:I could provide an example, but I'm using an ORM as DAL, so I don't know how much it would help. In a nutshell, I reconstruct the original object, tell the ORM to start tracking it, copy the changes to the object be tracked, and then tell the ORM to persist the object. Changes to child objects are propagated similarly.The auditing mechanism itself is invoked as part of this update. It just inspects the valuecache above and (depending on our configuration), optionally writes out individual objects into a separate logging table, one per changed property.
Would you mind posting the example anyway? Sometimes, just looking at other people's code is worth days of scratching your head and wondering what you did wrong. :)
rsbaker0:The other methods are simple reflection helpers. Here is the source.
Thanks for those!
Thanks again,
There have been some discussions concerning this on the forum before, so a search should give you some more info to use.
From my perspective, you have a couple of options:
1. Implement auditing in your DAL. If you don't have a separate DAL assembly (i.e. all your data-access code is embedded directly in your DP methods), then you might look at making one, or adding the logging code to your DP methods.
2. Implementing auditing in your BO. There are a couple of ways to do this, and again, there have been discussions surrounding this, so a forum search should provide some ideas.
If you don't have a separate DAL, then the difference between #1 and #2 is admittedly subtle. But it's an important difference - one puts the auditing code in a methods that specifically deal with data access, while the other puts the auditing code into methods that deal with business logic/interactions. Plus, if you're not careful, #2 can start to creep on you, and you end up with auditing code in a lot of places.
I'm not a big fan of #2, because from a responsibility perspective, your BO's really aren't responsible for auditing data. Others may think differently, but I don't really consider auditing a business requirement - and business objects are about fulfilling business requirements. Yes, auditing requirements are sometimes put into the business requirements. But in my experience, auditing is rarely an actual business requirement - people tend to put it in there "just in case", or because company policy dictates it.
Regardless of the method chosen, you would be wise to devise a centralized scheme that you can call from wherever you need it.
- Scott
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