suggestion: make DisableIEditableObject an engine-level setting

suggestion: make DisableIEditableObject an engine-level setting

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matt tag posted on Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I have somewhere around a dozen CSLA projects, all at different levels of development.  In my earlier projects, I used the manual method of databinding:

tbName.Datababindings.Add("text", fCSLAObj, "SomeProperty").

In the newer projects, I use a BindingSource and setting up Data Sources in my project.

Both methods work within the latest CSLA.  However, the latter method works best if DisableIEditableObject is False, and the former method works bets if
DisableIEditableObject is True.

Instead of having to set this flag in every object I create in either my older code or my newer code, I was wondering if perhaps this flag could be changed to be "Engine-level", where I set it once at the beginning of the application and forget about it.

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If you have custom base classes between the CSLA base classes and your business classes (a technique I recommend), then you can do this yourself at that level.

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