Capturing child saved events in Editable Root ListCapturing child saved events in Editable Root List
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Tom_W posted on Friday, August 28, 2009
Hi All
Our current project is MDI Winforms and I'd like to display a '*' on a form's tab if the record is dirty and an '!' if the record is invalid.
I have written a bit of code as follows;
Public Class StockItemEditControl
Dim WithEvents _stockItemList As StockItemEditList
Public Sub New()
Me.FormCaption = "Stock Items"
_stockItemList = StockItemEditList.GetStockItemEditList()
StockItemEditBindingSource.DataSource = _stockItemList
'AddHandler _stockItemList.ChildChanged, AddressOf DirtyCaption
'Dim ieo As System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged = DirectCast(_stockItemList, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged)
'AddHandler ieo.PropertyChanged, AddressOf DirtyCaption
AddHandler _stockItemList.AddingNew, AddressOf AddingNew_Handler
AddHandler _stockItemList.ChildChanged, AddressOf ChildChanged_Handler
AddHandler _stockItemList.ListChanged, AddressOf ListChanged_Handler
AddHandler _stockItemList.RemovingItem, AddressOf RemovingItem_Handler
AddHandler _stockItemList.Saved, AddressOf Saved_Handler
End Sub
Public Sub ChildChanged_Handler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ChildChangedEventArgs)
End Sub
Public Sub AddingNew_Handler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AddingNewEventArgs)
End Sub
Public Sub ListChanged_Handler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ListChangedEventArgs)
End Sub
Public Sub RemovingItem_Handler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RemovingItemEventArgs)
End Sub
Public Sub Saved_Handler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SavedEventArgs)
End Sub
Public Sub ResetDirtyCaption()
If _stockItemList.IsDirty Then
If _stockItemList.IsValid Then
'Object is dirty, but OK to save
FormCaption = "Stock Items *"
'Object is dirty and invalid
FormCaption = "Stock Items !"
End If
FormCaption = "Stock Items*"
End If
End Sub
The above is all working great, except that BLB's Saved event doesn't always seem to fire. I'm guessing it isn't necessarily thrown if one of it's child objects is saved?
A possibly related point here is that my child object's insert and update methods do not take the parent object as a parameter, i.e. in the child StockItemEdit :
private void Child_Insert()
private void Child_Update()
Could that be the cause? I guess really my question is should BLB's Saved event fire every time one of it's children fires or is that not what its for?
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