DataPortal.Fetch failed Method not found with LINQ DAL

DataPortal.Fetch failed Method not found with LINQ DAL

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richardb posted on Friday, August 28, 2009

Have generated my DAL project using LINQ like the ProjectTracker example and a table called Sectors has generated/dragged the SP's onto the LINQ design space to create the methods, in this case I have one called SelectSectorsAll.

When I try and run the business object code I get an error;

DataPortal.Fetch failed (Method not found: System.Data.Linq.Table '<POSTRacker.DALLinq.Sector> POSTracker.DALLinq.POSTrackerDataContext.get_Sectors()').

What am I doing wrong?  Where does it get the name get_Sectors from?


richardb replied on Friday, August 28, 2009

Simple mistake - VS 2008 not rebuilding ALL my projects when I F5 run the app.

Now working OK - Like the drag and drop of those LINQ classes.

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