Child insert but no update

Child insert but no update

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Vlam100 posted on Friday, September 11, 2009

Hi All,

I am new to the CSLA frame work and I am doing my first project. using one of my requirements is to do an Import from a excel spreadsheet.

I have a parent object EmployeeImport, and then two child objects EmployeeImportItem which represent one record and then EmployeeImportItems which is the collection of employeeimprtItem.

For new Employees in the spreadsheet I call the newEmployee factory method in the employeeImportItem and it sets the values of all the properties.

For existing participants I call the getEmployee factory Method in the EmployeeImprtItem and do a fetch to get all the values and then overwrite with values from the spreadsheet

I then add them to the collection.

resource.add me.add(resource)

after everything has been added to the collection I call to save the the data, but at this stage it will only do the insert for the new employees..child_insert in the child and whatever I do I cant get the Child_update to fire for the existing employees. From tha parent I call

DataPortal.UpdateChild(ReadProperty(Of EmployeeImportItems)(ItemsProperty), Me)

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