Hi all,
I'm new to CSLA programmaing and have creaqted a sample application just by copying the projecttracker solution and manipulated SQL-commands, etc.
Just pretend my objects are of type X.
Now I have a read-only list: ListX
A read-only (info) object: XInfo
And an editable object: XObject
I have a form with a listview, it's filled by the ListX.
And a couple of edit-boxes binded with teh properties of a instance of XObject.
Now when I edit XObject and pusgh the save button all goes fine, the editboxes are updates, everything is stored in the database, but my listview isn't updated.
Can someone tell me what I do wrong?
Kind regards,
Thanks for your answer.
Still I have a question.
When I want the behaviour I suggested what do I have to do with the framework to tell all list/controls, etc that an item has changed, so they have to reload their (partial) data?
Kind regards,
Now I have used a gridview, but still when I change a value of a property and save the object I still don't see the changes in the gridview.
I have for Example a list of exployees, called EmployeeList.
And an editable object Employee.
When I select an item in the grid I pass the real object to the edit controls.
When I'm done editing I call clone..save (like in the projecttracker example).
At that moment there is no reload by the gridview.
I realy don't want a complete reload, cause the're about 10000 records in the database.
Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
Kind regards,
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