Hi Rocky
We have implemented this function in our environment and would
like to contribute the function for the community. This would be added to
Csla.Validation.BrokenRulesCollection GetAllBrokenRules()
Csla.Validation.BrokenRulesCollection list =
if (FieldManager.HasFields)
// add broken rules at the root object level
list.Merge("root_" + this.GetHashCode().ToString(),
// get children objects of the current instance
foreach (object child in this.FieldManager.GetChildren())
// see if child implements ICPBrokenRules - if it does then you can call the
GetAllBrokenRules method
if ((child is ICPBrokenRules) && (child as
Csla.Core.IEditableBusinessObject != null) &&
(((Csla.Core.IEditableBusinessObject)child).IsValid == false))
list.Merge("child_" + child.GetHashCode().ToString(),
// see if the object is a Csla.Core.IEditableCollection - then it should be of
type CPBusinessListBase
if (child is Csla.Core.IEditableCollection)
// go and call the same function for every child in the collection since they
must be of type IEditable
// determine if the object is of type CPBusinessListBase - if so, cast it to
the corresponding type,
foreach (object nefew in (IEnumerable)child)
if (nefew is ICPBrokenRules)
list.Merge("child_" + this.GetHashCode().ToString() + "_" +
child.GetHashCode().ToString(), (nefew as ICPBrokenRules).GetAllBrokenRules());
return list;
Chris Dufour
MVP ASP.NET, MCAD, IBM Certified Database Associate - DB2 UDB V8.1
Software Architect
Compuware Corporation
(905) 886-7700 Ext. 4489
Copyright (c) Marimer LLC