I have a parent child form and the child part is in a grid. I can enter new records using the new record area at the bottom of the grid. That works fine. However, when I'm done adding records and I have focus in the new record area of the grid (have not typed anything in it), then I set focus to a different control, such as a textbox... I lose my first new record I just entered and it keeps that last new record that was in the new record area of the grid. It's seems like it's getting rid of the wrong grid record. Instead of getting rid of that last record (new area) it's getting rid of my first new record I entered.
Example: Lets say I have a parent with three children, line numbers:
Now, I enter two more children, line numbers:
And, I'm sittng in the new record area. Then I click on a textbox... 4 will disappear and 6 (new record area) will now be a record. ?
I've been messing with this for a few days now. I'm currently using VB 2008 with CSLA version 2.1
Do you think I need to upgrade CSLA?
Any direction is appreciated.
Thanks! The upgrade to 3.5 worked! However, now I've been having a problem with the N level Undo feature. If I make changes to a record in the grid then set focus to a different record in the grid I can't seem to cancel my changes to the previous record. I've spend a couple of hours today looking at the forums on this topic, with no real resolution, unless I missed it. It's not that huge of a problem because I can make a call to the database for a fresh copy of the business object when the user clicks on the cancel button, however it would be nice without that call to the database. If you know the solution to this or the thread, that would be great to have.
The N-Level Undo is a good feature but I would rather have the object return to it's original values when cancel is clicked. I don't want to disable the Undo because I need my objects to work properly, particularly in a grid. And, I don't want to alter anything in the CSLA framework because it may cause upgrading issues in the future.
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