Hi all,
This is one of my standard changes to Csla sources. I just replace the ..\cslalightcs\cslacs\Csla\SmartDate.cs file with the one in attached zip. It features some extras
Accepted separators (extra)
" " (space)
NB - Different separators can be mixed. When using separators, the zero isn't needed (on days and months < 10).
Accepted no separator (extra)
- 4 digits exactly (current year)
- 8 digits exactly
NB - Order of day / month / year according to CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern.
Abbreviated forms (extra)
NNsNN where
- s is the any of the above separators
- NN refers to day number and month number according to CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern
Standard relative dates
"." - today
"-" - yesterday
"+" - tomorrow
Relative dates (extra)
"<" - one month ago
">" - one month from now
"+nnn..." - nnn... days from now
"-nnn..." - nnn... day ago
"<nn" - nn day of last month
">nn" - nn day of next month
"nn" - nearest nn day (if we are the 25th, 5 is the 5th of next month)
Concerning the accepted separators, I really don't remember exactly how the standard SmartDate behaves but I guess it only accepts the CurrentInfo.DateSeparator
Standard .NET framework TryParse magic still works.
Rocky, can this be merged into the standard Csla?
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