Hello, I am new to WPF but have been using CSLA for a while now.
I am creating a proof of concept app and I am running into a frustrating issue, that I am sure is my lack of wpf knowledge.
I have a List that I am using to populate a combo box. Code for the list is below.
I also have a combo box I am updateing in code, although declaritive XAML would be fine as well. I just cant get it to work. The binding actually works and I can see my list populated in the combo box however, If I add a new item to the list, I cannot get the combo box to update and show the new item.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Binding binding = new Binding();Csla.Wpf.
CslaDataProvider _dp = new Csla.Wpf.CslaDataProvider();_dp.ObjectType =
typeof(DD_Manufacturer);_dp.FactoryMethod =
"GetList";_dp.ManageObjectLifetime =
true; binding.Source = _dp; CB_Manufacturer.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";CB_Manufacturer.SetBinding(
ListView.ItemsSourceProperty, binding);////////////////////////////////
Serializable] public class DD_Manufacturer : Csla.NameValueListBase<int, string>{
Business Methods public static int DefaultConversions(){
DD_Manufacturer list = GetList(); if (list.Count > 0) return list.Items[0].Key; else throw new NullReferenceException( "No roles available; default role can not be returned");}
Factory Methods private static DD_Manufacturer _list; /// <summary> /// Returns a list of conversions. /// </summary> public static DD_Manufacturer GetList(){
return DataPortal.Fetch<DD_Manufacturer>(); //if (_list == null) // _list = DataPortal.Fetch<DD_Manufacturer> // (new Criteria(typeof(DD_Manufacturer))); //return _list;}
/// <summary> /// Clears the in-memory length conversions cache /// so the list of conversions is reloaded on /// next request. /// </summary> public static void InvalidateCache(){
_list =
private DD_Manufacturer(){
/* require use of factory methods */ }#endregion
Data Access private void DataPortal_Fetch(){
this.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Database.WindowSolutionsConnection)){
using (SqlCommand cm = cn.CreateCommand()){
cm.CommandType =
CommandType.StoredProcedure;cm.CommandText =
"DD_Manufacturer_Fetch"; using (SafeDataReader dr = new SafeDataReader(cm.ExecuteReader())){
IsReadOnly =
false; while (dr.Read()){
this.Add(new NameValuePair(dr.GetInt32(
"ID"), dr.GetString("ManufacturerName")));}
IsReadOnly =
this.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;}
Thanks for the response.
I have also setup the binding in xaml with the sam exact results. I can see the data in my combo box but if the underlying table is updated, my combo box does not refresh. Here is the Xaml markup I was using.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
<csla:CslaDataProvider x:Key="_dp"
ObjectType="{x:Type ws:Manufacturers}"
<Binding Mode="TwoWay" BindsDirectlyToSource="True" Source="_dp" x:Key="binding">
ItemsSource="{Binding binding, Mode=TwoWay}" DisplayMemberPath="ManufacturerName"
Hello, I am not sure if bindsdirectly to source should be set. originally I did not have it set and thought I would give it a try to no avail.
what I am doing to update Manufacturer is calling the object below.
The functionality I am trying to capture is this.. if a user does not see his item in the combo box, I have a form that allow him to enter in a new Manufacturer. It simply uses a business object to write back to my database. This works fine.
I hope you can pick out where I have gone wrong. I am at a loss now.
Thanks for looking at this for me. I really appreciate the time.
Serializable()] public class Manufacturer : BusinessBase<Manufacturer>{
Business Methods private byte[] _timestamp = new byte; private static PropertyInfo<int> IDProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<int>("ID"));[System.ComponentModel.
DataObjectField(true, true)] public int Id{
get { return GetProperty(IDProperty); } set { SetProperty(IDProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> ManufacturerNameProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("ManufacturerName")); public string ManufacturerName{
get { return GetProperty(ManufacturerNameProperty); } set { SetProperty(ManufacturerNameProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> CityProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("City")); public string City{
get { return GetProperty(CityProperty); } set { SetProperty(CityProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> StateProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("State")); public string State{
get { return GetProperty(StateProperty); } set { SetProperty(StateProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> ZipProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("Zip")); public string Zip{
get { return GetProperty(ZipProperty); } set { SetProperty(ZipProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> AddressProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("Address")); public string Address{
get { return GetProperty(AddressProperty); } set { SetProperty(AddressProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> Phone1Property =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("Phone1")); public string Phone1{
get { return GetProperty(Phone1Property); } set { SetProperty(Phone1Property, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> Phone2Property =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("Phone2")); public string Phone2{
get { return GetProperty(Phone2Property); } set { SetProperty(Phone2Property, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> ContactFirstNameProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("Contact_First_Name")); public string Contact_First_Name{
get { return GetProperty(ContactFirstNameProperty); } set { SetProperty(ContactFirstNameProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> ContactLastNameProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("Contact_Last_Name")); public string Contact_Last_Name{
get { return GetProperty(ContactLastNameProperty); } set { SetProperty(ContactLastNameProperty, value); }}
private static PropertyInfo<string> EmailProperty =RegisterProperty(
typeof(Manufacturer), new PropertyInfo<string>("Email")); public string Email{
get { return GetProperty(EmailProperty); } set { SetProperty(EmailProperty, value); }}
public override string ToString(){
return Id.ToString();}
Validation Rules protected override void AddBusinessRules(){
//ValidationRules.AddRule<Manufacturer>(Assignment.ValidRole, RoleProperty);}
Authorization Rules protected override void AddAuthorizationRules(){
//AuthorizationRules.AllowWrite(RoleProperty, "ProjectManager");}
Factory Methods public static Manufacturer NewManufacturer(){
return DataPortal.Create<Manufacturer>();}
public static Manufacturer GetManufacturer(WindowSolutions.DalLinq.Manufacturer_FetchResult data){
return DataPortal.FetchChild<Manufacturer>(data);}
private Manufacturer(){
/* require use of factory methods */ }#endregion
Data Access[
RunLocal] protected override void DataPortal_Create(){
Id = 0;
ManufacturerName =
string.Empty;City =
string.Empty;State =
string.Empty;Zip =
string.Empty;Address =
string.Empty;Phone1 =
string.Empty;Phone2 =
string.Empty;Contact_First_Name =
string.Empty;Contact_Last_Name =
string.Empty;Email =
private void Child_Fetch(WindowSolutions.DalLinq.Manufacturer data){
Id = data.ID;
ManufacturerName = data.ManufacturerName;
City = data.City;
State = data.State;
Zip = data.Zip;
Address = data.Address;
Phone1 = data.Phone1;
Phone2 = data.Phone2;
Contact_First_Name = data.Contact_First_Name;
Contact_Last_Name = data.Contact_Last_Name;
Email = data.Email;
protected void DataPortal_Insert(){
using (var mgr = ContextManager<WindowSolutions.DalLinq.QuickQuoteDataContext>.GetManager(WindowSolutions.DalLinq.Database.WindowSolutions)){
//System.Data.Linq.Binary lastChanged = _timestamp;mgr.DataContext.Manufacturer_Insert(ManufacturerName, City, State, Zip, Address, Phone1, Phone2, Contact_First_Name, Contact_Last_Name, Email);
//private void Child_Update(Resource resource) //{ // //_timestamp = Assignment.UpdateAssignment(_projectId, resource.Id, _assigned, _role, _timestamp); //} //private void Child_DeleteSelf(Resource resource) //{ // //Assignment.RemoveAssignment(_projectId, resource.Id); //}#endregion
Thanks, I was hoping for a way to just have underlying data changes reflect in my combobox.
I can do this with win forms and .net web apps with no problem. Not sure what I am doing wrong with WPF though.
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