Here's the basic configuration:
WindowsService uses a section of Code that's wrapped in a TransactionScope Using statement. Inside the Using section, I create a SQLConnection object, which subsequently calls 3 stored procedures in the same Database. Last step before Scope.SetComplete and End Using is calling BusinessObject.DeleteBusinessObject passing along the a different connection string then used for the 3 stored procedure calls to delete something on a remote database.
Everything works, except that we have an open transaction hanging around after the End Using statement (code below).
Tracing the SQL database (SQL 2005) shows that we initially have on a SQL transaction for the SPID generated for the hqConn connection. Once the BusinessLogic.QueuepOReceiptToHQ.Delete... begins, the transactions are promoted to a distributed Transaction via MSDTC. I see the Commit happening for the transactions using the hqConn object as well as the business object but then there's a open transaction remaining from the business object that does not get cleaned up intil garbage collection happens at some unspecified and unreliable time.
Any suggests on what to do here?
Thanks in advance,
Joe Landes
Are you sure you are disposing all your data objects? (connection, command, datareader, etc all must be disposed)
And are they disposed in your code here, as well as in the other business class?
I'm assuming the answer is no - since this code appears to get a connection and not dispose (or even close) that connection.
A side note: we use CSLA 2.0 and .NET 2.0.
I left out the Try/Catch around the scope. Here's what the Finally block looks like right after the End Using statement for the WindowsService class.
If hqConn IsNot Nothing Then hqConn.Dispose()
hqConn = Nothing
End Try
The Business Object DataPortal_Delete looks like this:
Protected Overrides Sub DataPortal_Delete(ByVal passedInCriteria As Object) ' This method is responsible for calling a single stored procedure that will tr = DBHelper.GetTransaction(conn)
Anybody have any suggestions on the ammended post showing the actual cleanup work?
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