Asp Membership Service VS Csla Security DB. Is it possible to combine Functionality???

Asp Membership Service VS Csla Security DB. Is it possible to combine Functionality???

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Jav posted on Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The existing Security DB and its User membership has worked fine in my Windows Forms App.  The existing Identity is interwoven within my Business layer's Factory methods.

I am now adding an Asp UI.  Asp's Membership provider's extensive capabilities are hard to resist. I have done everything according to the book, providing a MembershipPrincipal and making the changes in the Global.asax.  Logging in and out is working fine, but the Identity now has no resemblence to the Identity that my objects will respond to.  Part of the issue is my IsInRole method which performs a finer-grained check of user capabilities - which I had implemented in the Security DB user.

Is there a mechanism by which the Identity from the Security DB could be used instead of the the one in the System.SecurityPrinciplal?

I am not sure if the Membership database's user table can be extended by the addition of a field or two.  If so, that could also help the situation.

Thanks for any help


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