Hi guys.
This is pretty much a stupid post and it’s probably not worth wasting bandwidth to post this but just throwing it out there.
Consider this:
var args = new Csla.Validation.DecoratedRuleArgs(NameProperty);
args["MaxLength"] = 50;
args["Format"] = "000.00";
ValidationRules.AddRule(Csla.Validation.CommonRules.StringMaxLength, args);
Now consider this (The properties are initialized in the opposite order):
var args = new Csla.Validation.DecoratedRuleArgs(NameProperty);
args["Format"] = "000.00";
args["MaxLength"] = 50;
ValidationRules.AddRule(Csla.Validation.CommonRules.StringMaxLength, args);
Inside the DecoratedRuleArgs ToString() override, there is a loop used to concatenate the properties names that goes something like this:
foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair item in _decorations)
Basically this means that the ToString() method on DecoratedRuleArgs could return “MaxLength=50& Format=000.00” on the firs example and “Format=000.00&MaxLength=50” in the other.
Strictly speaking, as far as I can tell, this behavior is inconsequential from the CSLA functionality point of view, but from the consistency point of view, I wonder if the ToString() should sort the properties first before concatenating them so we can get a consistent output no matter how the properties are initialized.
Again, I realize it’s a dumb post but I am just kind of picky about this sort of things. No biggie, just a call out. Don’t hate me for waiting your time reading this!!
The idea is that you'll use the RuleDescriptor class (works like System.Uri) to parse the rule:// URI and interact with its components.
Just like with a web URL, order of parameters shouldn't matter, because you should get them via a parser that allows you to ask for them by name.
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