MVVM Frameworks

MVVM Frameworks

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RodWatkins posted on Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Hello everyone,

Having read Rocky's recent blog posts on the new features in CSLA 3.8 to support MVVM, I have started looking into the wide variety of mvvm frameworks out there. I am new to MVVM and was hoping some of you might have some opinions on which of the many frameworks (Caliburn, Onyx, Ocean, Cinch, MVVM Toolkit, etc.) are well suited for use with CSLA.


mbblum replied on Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A couple months back Andy K added ProjectTrackerPrism, the Project Tracker example modified to use Prism, on Prism, aka Composite Application Guidance for WPF and SL, is MVVM implementation also on Codeplex.

I must defer recommendations to others, still learning myself. But I found this example very helpful in understanding MVVM with CSLA.


RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I think that was all on CSLA 3.7 - before the new MVVM stuff was added.

The thing is, if you have an MVVM UI framework, the only part of the CSLA MVVM support you will probably care about is the ViewModelBase<T> class. I would hope that any such UI framework would have its own equivalent to InvokeMethod/Execute - equivalents that integrate smoothly into their particular UI framework implementation.

And if you aren't using InvokeMethod/Execute then ViewModel<T> is probably of limited value, but ViewModelBase<T> could very well still be quite nice.

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