Idea --> CSLA migration to Codeplex?

Idea --> CSLA migration to Codeplex?

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rfcdejong posted on Friday, November 06, 2009

This could sound like something i don't mean, if that is the case please think twice before flaming me.

I do like this forum because of the information in it and the people on it, but i really hate the community server 2.0 WYSIWYG editor or whatever it is called. I also find the codeplex interface and functionality just wonderfull, for example:

- place for discussions with a better editor & notification functionality;
- access to issues is easier and they can be rated by the community;
- the latest source is available and integrates easy with differend source control programs for the csla team members.

and lots more, and the forum won't be down for backup's

Regent replied on Thursday, November 12, 2009

I hate the community server editor too and I would be happy if CSLA.NET moved to Codeplex, but I think it won't be possible at least because it is only support a bunch of standard licences but CSLA.NET use a custom one...

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, November 13, 2009

I have a license for the current version of Community Server. Upgrading apparently takes a day or so - mostly to run SQL scripts, update the software and reapply the minor UX style changes I've made.

If anyone knows CS well, I'm interested in having someone do the upgrade - I clearly don't have the time/interest to do it myself :)  If this describes you, let me know.

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