Why wouldn't you just bind the UX element(s) to the property?
It sounds like you are trying to control the UX through code - but XAML is really designed to go the other way, to have the UX use binding to respond to properties without you writing code.
Certainly that's what ViewModel is designed to support.
Because then my generic toolbar is linked to a specific VM that
I have to maintain a reference to in XAML. Currently my toolbar is
generated dynamically based on available child data and user permissions.
My toolbar is a ItemsControl with itemsSource of my ParentVM.ToolbarItemsBOCollection.
I don't have the link between ChildCslaVM and toolbarItem in the UI.
So the parent VM constructs a toolbar based on which access the
user has and then loads/fetches the child CslaVM<T> either on demand or
I already have a slew of ShowXyz and CanXyz for each of the
buttons in the toolbar. I don't want to maintain another set of IsBusyXyz
What I wanted to do is in my loop where I build the available
toolbar buttons I can link the toolbarItemVM to the CslaVM<T>.
I'm now leaning more to the reverse solution where the
toolbarButtonVM is also a child of the CslaVM.
From: RockfordLhotka [mailto:cslanet@lhotka.net]
Sent: November-10-09 10:42 AM
To: jaddington@alexandergracie.com
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] CSLA 3.8 - how to generically reference
Why wouldn't you just bind the UX element(s) to the property?
It sounds like you are trying to control the UX through code - but XAML is
really designed to go the other way, to have the UX use binding to respond to
properties without you writing code.
Certainly that's what ViewModel is designed to support.
This may be too esoteric, but I'll throw it out anyway.
I think you may be violating the principles of the MVVM pattern. A viewmodel object should be relatively decoupled from the view - and generating aspects of the view is pretty tightly coupled.
I'd suggest you consider that the UX generation concepts should be in some other actor than the viewmodel. The viewmodel actor is really responsible for supporting the UX in an abstract manner. Actually creating the UX is a different job/responsibility, and therefore should be handled by some other actor.
I've started using presenter classes along with viewmodel classes. Use the presenters to handle more tightly-coupled UX concerns like navigation, thereby keeping the viewmodel classes much more decoupled and focused on business processing behind the form, rather than on the form itself.
I can see your point ... but am I really generating the
UI? It is sort of a mix between exposed UserAccess and ChildBOExplorer.
I could generate the same info from an array of childViewModelBO's
which maybe is what I should do...
Each ChildBO is to be viewed in a separate view by clicking on a
toolbar button. My toolbar is collection of BOs that represent what the
childmodel type is (enum), if I should allow user access (IsEnabled/IsVisible)
+ IsBusy.
I struggled with where to put the logic to show/hide the views
and that is really the only 'presenter' part I think. I'm not happy with
these CanShowXyz properties in my ViewModel but it isn't that terrible. I
think actually as I type this I can move those into the childModels and trigger
of the databound IsChecked on my toolbar.
If it wasn't called ToolBarItem but ChildViewModel would it still
feel so dirty ?
Maybe I should ditch the toolBarItem BO and make it an interface
in my childVMs. Then I introduce a ChildVM collection to my ViewModel to
expose the interface properties?
What I don't want to have is umpteen extra pieces just to
'totally comply'.
I started with Prism, ripped it all out, and looks like I'm
slowly moving back towards that again.
I know something feels off as I had issues just trying to decide
which assembly I should put another base class into and it was feeling
Agc.AgcViewModel<T> - my Corp Library (Abstract)
Epm.EpmViewModel<T> - my app library (Abstract)
Epm.SharedUI.EpmViewModelBase<T> - an overload to include
my reference to a EpmToolBarItemVM
I appreciate your feedback
From: RockfordLhotka [mailto:cslanet@lhotka.net]
Sent: November-10-09 1:22 PM
To: jaddington@alexandergracie.com
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] CSLA 3.8 - how to generically reference
This may be too esoteric, but I'll throw it out anyway.
I think you may be violating the principles of the MVVM pattern. A viewmodel
object should be relatively decoupled from the view - and generating aspects of
the view is pretty tightly coupled.
I'd suggest you consider that the UX generation concepts should be in some
other actor than the viewmodel. The viewmodel actor is really responsible for
supporting the UX in an abstract manner. Actually creating the UX is a
different job/responsibility, and therefore should be handled by some other
I've started using presenter classes along with viewmodel classes. Use the
presenters to handle more tightly-coupled UX concerns like navigation, thereby
keeping the viewmodel classes much more decoupled and focused on business
processing behind the form, rather than on the form itself.
I don't think MVVM is the entire solution for a XAML UI framework. I think it is just one part of the puzzle.
I suspect you could combine MVC and MVVM to get a good result. I started researching this, but got sidetracked by some other work.
The thing about MVC is that the acronym is misleading. MVC actually consists of 4 parts, not 3:
Nobody seems to talk about the runtime, but something needs to actually invoke the Controller and render the View returned from the Controller. In ASP.NET MVC this is ASP.NET MVC itself - the MVC runtime.
If you just open a WPF or Silverlight project, you have no runtime comparable to what the ASP.NET MVC runtime does for you. And you must have something in your app who's job it is to invoke the Controller and put the resulting View on the screen. And to take command messages (like postback calls in the web) and route them to the correct method on the correct controller.
So this runtime really does two things: renders views, and routes messages to controllers. I rather suspect therefore, that the runtime consists of (at least) two actors to handle these responsibilities.
As I say, I started exploring this, realized how much work would be involved in creating this runtime, and then got sidetracked by some other work regardless.
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