Edit level mismatch in AcceptChange: WinformEdit level mismatch in AcceptChange: Winform
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/8024.aspx
simon posted on Friday, November 20, 2009
I have a root BO with two child BO:
public class TechDoc : BusinessBase
#region Business Methods
private static PropertyInfo RowIdProperty = RegisterProperty(c => c.RowId);
public int RowId
get { return GetProperty(RowIdProperty); }
set { SetProperty(RowIdProperty, value); }
private static PropertyInfo RelDocProperty = RegisterProperty(c => c.RelDoc);
public Document RelDoc
return GetProperty(RelDocProperty);
SetProperty(RelDocProperty, value);
public class Document : BusinessBase
#region Business Methods
private static PropertyInfo DocIdProperty = RegisterProperty(c => c.DocId);
public Guid DocId
get { return GetProperty(DocIdProperty); }
set { SetProperty(DocIdProperty, value); }
private static PropertyInfo LeafNameProperty = RegisterProperty(c => c.LeafName);
public string LeafName
get { return GetProperty(LeafNameProperty); }
set { SetProperty(LeafNameProperty, value); }
private static PropertyInfo SizeProperty = RegisterProperty(c => c.Size);
#region Validation Rules
protected override void AddBusinessRules()
// TODO: add validation rules
public static Document NewChildDocument()
return DataPortal.CreateChild();
public static Document GetChildDocument(int listId,int docLibRowId,bool? orginFlag)
Document obj= DataPortal.FetchChild(new Criteria(listId, docLibRowId, orginFlag));
if (obj.DocId ==Guid.Empty)
return null;
return obj ;
private Document()
{ /* Require use of factory methods */ }
#region Data Access
[RunLocal ]
protected override void Child_Create()
using (BypassPropertyChecks)
DocId = Guid.NewGuid();
private void Child_Fetch(Criteria criteria)
using (var ctx = ContextManager.GetManager(MES.DalLinq.Database.Document))
var d = (from i in ctx.DataContext.ALLDoc
where i.ListId == criteria.Id && i.DoclibRowId == criteria.DocLibRowId && i.OriginFlag == criteria.OriginFlag
select i).SingleOrDefault();
if (d != null)
using (BypassPropertyChecks)
DocId = d.DocId;
LeafName = d.LeafName;
in winform
private void InitBinding()
hyperLinkEdit1.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", techDocBindingSource, "RelDoc.LeafName" l);
textEdit7.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", techDocBindingSource, "RelDoc.Size");
private void sbAttachRelease_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Document doc = Common.OpenFileDialog("");
if (doc != null)
if (_TechDoc.RelDoc == null)
_TechDoc.RelDoc = MES.Library.DMS.Document.NewChildDocument();
_TechDoc.RelDoc.LeafName = doc.Name;
_TechDoc.RelDoc.Extension = doc.Ext;
_TechDoc.RelDoc.OriginFlag = false;
_TechDoc.RelDoc.Size = doc.Size;
_TechDoc.RelDoc.DocContent = doc.Stream;
protected bool Save()
bool ret = false;
BaseBO = (BaseBO as ISavable).Save();
ret = true;
ret = false;
return ret;
when call the save. rasie error:Edit level mismatch in AcceptChanges
how can i solve it! help me.
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