Hi, All,
I use the TransactionScope for updaing a collection object. But all the children objects before the bad one will be saved, it won't rollback the whole transaction. Do I miss something? Here is the snippet codes.
In our suitation, the collection won't have parent base object. We must directly deal with the collection object. In the collection object, I create a public function Update( ) and try to call the DataPortal_Update() by using transactionScope.
public void Update
protected override void DataPortal_Update()
this.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Database.ShowSupportConnection))
using (SqlCommand cm = cn.CreateCommand())
foreach (ChildObject obj in this)
if (obj.IsNew)
obj.Update(cn );
this.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
In the Child Object, it calls Insert( )
internal void Insert( SqlConnection cn)
if (!this.IsDirty)
using (SqlCommand cm = cn.CreateCommand())
cm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cm.CommandText = "usp_InsertSp";
...........// .....
}//using SqlCommand
The usp_InsertSp is used to insert several tables and update one table. Also, I don't have transaction commit and rollback setting in the stored procedure.
What do I miss? Thanks for your help
Brain Tian
Hi, Ajj3085
Thanks for your quick response.
In our situation for this case, we don't have root object, we only have the collection object. So, it will loop the collection and save the children object one by one. If one child failed, the chilren objects before this one will be saved. Is this because of I don't have root object?
Brian Tian
Ahh, well that would certainly be a problem. It looked like your root object was the collection itself though? What you should do is implement a DataPortal method on the collection, and mark THAT as TransactionScope. Then the whole collection commits or rollsback as a unit.
So make your collection as a root object, since a root object defines what must be commited as a single unit.
I use the Save( ) to instead of Update( ). I get error message "Can not directly save a child object" and this is because I don't have root object. I think there should be a way to take care of this case but I don't know how :-)
Brian Criswell.
You are right, I have MarkChild( ) because I created this collection using copy/paste. :-) Now, It works
Thank you and have a good one.
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