Holiday discounts on CSLA .NET videos

Holiday discounts on CSLA .NET videos

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RockfordLhotka posted on Thursday, November 26, 2009

In celebration of the holiday season the CSLA .NET training videos are on sale now through the end of the year.

Save 15% off the regular price on the following products from the CSLA .NET online store:

Don’t miss this opportunity to get a great deal on these invaluable CSLA .NET training materials!

Luzius replied on Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Hi Rocky,

I was wondering if you could detail a bit more what content is in the new Code CSLA.NET 3.8 videos that was not already covered by your 2008 book.
Especially: Is the new ViewModel stuff covered and are there some more details about what a BO developer has to take care of when using the Factories?
Thanks Luzius

RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The focus of the videos is different from the focus of the book. The book is largely about how CSLA is designed, with some coverage on how to use it. The videos are entirely about how to use CSLA to build apps.

The Core video series doesn't cover specific UX technologies, and so doesn't discuss things like MVVM - that'll be covered in subsequent videos targeting WPF, ASP.NET MVC, etc.

The Core video series covers business class implementation, data access, data portal, business/validation rules and authorization rules. Most or all of that content is in the book, and if you learn best by reading you are probably already set. But if you learn by listening and watching, the videos should be very valuable. Additionally, the videos come with very focused sample code showing the more narrow specific concepts being discussed in the videos - some people find this style of sample code easier to follow than the more complex demos like ProjectTracker.

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