Binding Multiple Class Data to Single Class and bind that Class to Grid

Binding Multiple Class Data to Single Class and bind that Class to Grid

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SyedAsif posted on Friday, November 27, 2009

I have a situation where i have to get Data from Multiple Tables as a collection and put all in one class and bind thatClass to DataGrid in Silverlight. How can i achieve this?

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, November 27, 2009

Your data access layer is responsible for loading your business objects with data. Your data access layer can read data from one table, many tables or even many databases to do this work. This is the reason CSLA .NET separates the data access into its own layer (at least into DataPortal_XYZ methods, if not a completely separate DAL) - so you have this flexibility.

Just take any CSLA .NET example, find the data access code, and that's where you'd write data access code to read data from multiple tables.

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