Doubt in LINQ To BussinessListBase object

Doubt in LINQ To BussinessListBase object

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alagesan posted on Saturday, December 05, 2009

iam using Linq against BussinessListBase objects,it have many records.
i wrote following Linq query but its shows error

BLJobCharge  is BussinessListBase object
ChargeList is also BussinessListBase object

BLJobCharge ss = (from c in ChargeList
                                              where c.JobAddressID == JobAddressID
                                              select c).ToList();

but its show error as
  Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<KlientInformatics.Roadways.Library.Sales.BTJobCharge>' to 'KlientInformatics.Roadways.Library.Sales.BLJobCharge'    I:\KlientInformatics\KlientInformatics.Roadways.Library.Sales\JobAddress.cs    874    56    KlientInformatics.Roadways.Library.Sales

i want output as BussinessListbase object
how  i want write the linq against Objects?

RockfordLhotka replied on Saturday, December 05, 2009

LINQ to Objects always returns an IEnumerable<T>, so you will not get back a BusinessListBase from a LINQ query.

LINQ to CSLA does change the way LINQ works, so what you will get back is a LinqBindingList<T>, which is more powerful than an IEnumerable<T>. You should read Chapter 14 to understand how this works.

JonnyBee replied on Sunday, December 06, 2009


I would also suggest that you use the var declaration rather than declaring your type in advance.

Ie, your code should be:
                   var jobCharge = (from c in ChargeList
                                              where c.JobAddressID == JobAddressID
                                              select c).ToList();

Linq expressions may also return a new implicit anonymous type, a single value, a single <T>,  IEnumerable<T> or LinqBindingList<T> when used against a BusinessListBase. 

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