Cslalight 3.8.1: PropertyStatus does not show Busy and Error icons

Cslalight 3.8.1: PropertyStatus does not show Busy and Error icons

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/8105.aspx

Cuong posted on Sunday, December 06, 2009


I just upgraded my SL app to Cslalight 3.8.1. I found that PropertyStatus does not show the Busy or Error icons. I also try to runs the SimpleApp sample, change the NameTextBox's Text to be Empty (that will cause broken rules) but the PropertyStatus still does not show the Error icon. Did I miss something or there is new PropertyStatus's behaviors in 3.8.1?


RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, December 06, 2009

That sample might be broken.

There are breaking changes from 3.7.x to 3.8.0 - read the change log.

The most important one with PropertyStatus is that the Property property is now a binding expression:

Property="{Binding Name}"

That was the whole point of 3.8 actually - to take advantage of the new SL3 binding capabilities instead of the workarounds we were forced to invent in SL2.

Cuong replied on Monday, December 07, 2009

Thank Rocky. After changing Property="{Binding Name}", everything works fine.

I have a question again. May I translate Property="{Binding Name}" in XAML into code be-hide? I tried to code _propertyStatus.Property = new Binding("Name") with no success.

Cuong replied on Monday, December 07, 2009

I got it. The code should be:
_propertyStatus.SetBinding(PropertyStatus.PropertyProperty, new Binding("Name"))

The name PropertyStatus.PropertyProperty made me confusion ^^

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