basic (and probably silly) question about BusinessListBasebasic (and probably silly) question about BusinessListBase
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vschaak posted on Friday, December 11, 2009
I just started to learn CSLA and have a question about BusinessListBase (BLB):
is ist right, that BLB just works with EditableObjects as content (BusinessBase)?
My first small project is a user-managment-app for a bigger App. There, roles could be defined and permissions assigned to a role. (There is no other functionality and property than the assignment itself!) Whereas the permissionlist itself should be edited, the single permissions (content of the list) shouldnt. Thereby I thought, that I should use BusinessListBase for the list itself and ReadOnlyBase for the contained objects. This doesnt work.
Do I have to use BusinessBase for the list's-content?
Kind regards and thanks for any hint.
Volkerajj3085 replied on Friday, December 11, 2009
Yes, you'll have to use BusinessBase as a subclass for something to be contained in a BusinessListBase.
Of course, there's no rule that a BusinessBase subclass must contain any properties which are writable (i.e., have property setters), so this will work fine for your needs and BusinessBase will provide you with Child_DeleteSelf and Child_Insert, which I imagine you'd used to add or remove the row from the table linking roles and permissions.
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