Problem with Delete in Rolodex for RanksEditor

Problem with Delete in Rolodex for RanksEditor

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FoodmanCyclingPA posted on Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am having a problem deleting an item from an EditableRootListBase in a grid with a delete button.  When I tried it in the Rolodex example I get the same error.  The error is in the InvokeMethod.cs, specifically the CallMethod method.  Below is the error I receive:

NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code
  Method to be executed must have 0 or 2 parameters.

Here is the Exception detail:

System.NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code
  Message="Method to be executed must have 0 or 2 parameters"
       at Csla.Silverlight.InvokeMethod.CallMethod(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick()
       at System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick()
       at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Controls.Control.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(Control ctrl, EventArgs e)
       at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, String eventName)

I understand about the parameters, but things changed from 3.7.1 to 3.8.1 and 3.8.2b so I am not sure how to modify the button to get it to work.  Here is the button as follows:
<Button x:Name="DeleteRank" Content="Delete"
DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource RanksData}}"
IsEnabled="{Binding Path=CanRemoveItem, Mode=OneWay}"/>

Please advise on how to fix this.




FoodmanCyclingPA replied on Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Any ideas on how to fix this?  Just thought I would reply to bring it to the top of the list!




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