Multiple Silverlight projects (Applications) in single website! Multiple Silverlight projects (Applications) in single website!
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Jav posted on Friday, December 18, 2009
It appears that you can add more than one Silverlight Applications to a single Solution. For me that seems to be a necessity, I think!
Is there any guidance available on that Issue? Does that sound strange, acceptable, or commonplace?RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, December 18, 2009
I imagine it depends on how you are building your app.
If you are building the app where SL takes over the browser display area you'd probably only want one SL app.
But if you are building a web app, where only parts of the browser display area is SL, and other parts are HTML, then you might want a different SL app for each SL part of the UI.
Jav replied on Saturday, December 19, 2009
In my case the user after login will come to the Default.aspx where she will decide to use one of as many as 10-20 scenarios for data entry. Right now I am working on the very first scenario. User clicks a Button in the Default.aspx and it launches the Silverlight App.
My original plan was to use a one cell Grid as the Root.Visual and then switch the Page in the Root Visual based on the scenario.
Then I started reading up on the Sliverlight3 Navigation, which may be neat to have, although not absolutely necessary. Reading that, I am wondering if the navigation will work with that many scenarios. It probably will because the user will not jump from one scenario to another, instead using a single scenario from start of the App to the finish. That is when I thought about the multiple Apps, one for each scenario to keep things more manageable.
The main use for the navigation for me is the handling of the back button. I do not need the Menu capability, my needs in that regard, in all liklihood, are too complex and intertwined. I have made quite a headway in that regard.
I watched the video on csla Navigation once. I will need to watch it again to understand better.
Since all entered data will go into the object graph before user navigates out of a "module", I am assuming I will not need to do any other state management. In the end the object graph will be a big one (huge?) and rather verbose, before it all gets saved to DB, and the App quits. I am hoping it will all work out.
RockfordLhotka replied on Saturday, December 19, 2009
That seems like a workable solution.
You might also look at what the Prism project does, where they do dynamic loading of functional modules by downloading xap files. So it is one SL app, but parts of the app download on demand.
Jav replied on Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thanks For your guidance.
I would keep the Prism project in mind. I have previously glanced at it. As usual, it is the deadlines and time constraints that end up charting the course for us.
So, having made the jump from Csla 2 to Csla 3.5, from Windows Forms to WebForms to Silverlight, and from VB to C#, I will probably stay the course for now.
Thanks again.
JavedCopyright (c) Marimer LLC