spring and csla

spring and csla

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ryancammer posted on Friday, August 04, 2006

anybody out there experimented with spring and csla? the reason that i'm beginning to do so is because i like using dependency injection for dealing with business objects and their corresponding dal (and by dal, i could mean cache and/or some database, or even a message queue; we use all of the above in a standard way).. what i mean by that is, if i have a core assembly comprising my business objects and a dal assembly, i don't reference the dal from the core, but rather the other way around. this way, i can pass in an interface to my business objects, and allow the dal to handle persistence. i believe that this promotes reusability, because my business objects aren't tied to any data access implementation.

using spring, i can further decouple the dal from the core, and use configuration to inject my dependencies. plus, i'll admit that i'm lazy and haven't looked in a while, but i don't know of any other frameworks that implement aop (aspect oriented programming).

actually, spring and csla set out to accomplish entirely different goals. spring tries to minimize coupling by providing a configuration framework with which to glue together business objects, while csla standardizes CRUD, and enables business objects to enforce their business rules and functionality anywhere. however, i don't see the two visions as being diametrical.

any input?

phucphlq replied on Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm too. I am trying to use CSLA and Spring.Net. I think Spring help to implement Observer, Pooling and more while CSLA can't. Please help me if you can.

ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Its true that Csla doesn't help to implement observer patterns, but ActiveObjects is an extension library which will help you do this.  I'm not familiar with Spring.Net, so I can't tell you how well it would work with Csla.

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