I am VERY new to CSLA (about 3 days), and am currently using v1.5 as we are still .NET 1.1. Please forgive any terminology issues!
I have an object hierarchy as follows:
CardHolder (root)
-> Card (child)
-> DrivingLicence (child)
-> DriverCardHolder (child - controls assignment of a driver record to a CardHolder record)
-> Driver (switchable grandchild - can be root)
-> CardHolderDepots (child list)
-> CardHolderDepot (child - controls assignment of a depot record to a CardHolder record)
-> Depot (switchable grandchild - can be root)
I should emphasise that I am working with an existing database with legacy tables and data, but with new tables being added for new objects.
When fetching a CardHolder instance from the database, I first need to check on its existence using a key, and apply these rules:
If it does not exist, then create it and it's children as necessary. This I think is straightforward enough.
If an instance of CardHolder can be found, then fetch it. My question is: At this stage I also need to populate the object hierarchy BUT (and this is the where I need some design-style advice) at any level in the hierarchy the child/grandchild objects are not guaranteed to exist or new instances may need to be created to reflect changes - so they must be created as needed - how should this be coded? Does this kind of logic go inside business objects? I haven't seen any examples of "Fetch but create (plus children) if it's not there" type methods?
I hope this makes sense!
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for the insight - it's helped me get my thinking straight.
You're quite right - I'm migrating code from a very data-centric design, and need to start thinking in terms of object behaviour on a use-case context basis.
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