Nemisis posted on Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hi all,
In version 4 the changeLog states
Parent property (BusinessBase/BusinessListBase) (091203)
The Parent property is now public scope.
Applying this change to our code (version 3.8.1 as havent got vs 2010 atm), this now breaks our code as we use the DataMapper to copy values from 1 object to another.
I know that i can add "Parent" to the ignoreList but i was just wondering if this property should be ignored automatically by the DataMapper as if you are copying objects, surely you dont want to copy the "Parent" property, because for 1 its readonly in the source object and if the target object is of the same type then it would be readonly there anyway.
Am i right in thinking this should be ignored in the DataMapper automatically? Can this change be added? if something has been added, then can someone let me know as i havent got vs 2010 at the moment so cant really see without searching through each cs file separatly.
RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, January 21, 2010
That is certainly an unintended side-effect. I've noticed that the property appears in the Data Sources window too, which is another unintended side-effect I need to look into.
if something has been added, then can someone let me know as i havent got vs 2010 at the moment so cant really see without searching through each cs file separatly.
Watch this bug for info, that's all I can offer