I would like to know if is it possible using csla business object to do updates or firing command object in different server, the idea is to balance the work load of a massive task process.
I have in my business layer a process that retreive from the database differents task to do, each task has a CSLA business object on its own, the process fill the business object (Data_Portal.Fetch) and the idea is to "send" the object to one of the three or more server to do the process associated with the specific task represented by the csla object. After the task process is finished, the process server will return the csla object with the result of the task, and the result will be store in the database.
So is it possible with csla what i intend to do? How do i configure WCF to switch between the different process server, i mean how do i configure csla to point to different servers?
Any help will be appreciated, thank in advance,
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