BackgroundWorker with read only collections how to implement a cancel?

BackgroundWorker with read only collections how to implement a cancel?

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JCardina posted on Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm trying to implement a background workorder in an app that retrieves potentially large read only collections and displays in a data grid.

It's pretty easy to implement however I'm stuck with a bit of a problem, how can you go about cancelling the retrieval?

Since the business object might be across a boundary on a dataportal it seems like a bad idea to hook it up into the events of BackGroundWorker.

Any ideas or hints as to how you have used this would be appreciated, if I learn anything more I'll post it here, I'm sure it will be of interest to others at some point.

Steven replied on Friday, May 12, 2006


This article (2 parts) on Infragistics site explains how to use the Background worker component with their grid but I don't think it is specific to UltraWinGrid.  It does not address the Dataportal issue but still might be helpful information.


JCardina replied on Friday, May 12, 2006

Thanks Steven, I saw those (I'm using the same grid actually), that is a good article but it addresses a different problem that again I'm thinking is hindered by using a dataportal, in their article you could fill a grid dynamically in a background worker and cancel it at any time as it's loading each record.  So the end user would see the grid filling up and could cancel at any time.

That seemed ideal, but because the read only collection returns the complete object and does it in the dataportal fetch method it could be running on a remote data portal and might not work very well with the events involved in teh background worker etc.

I've actually timed it and the majority of time is spent filling the collection after the database query has returned the result set so I'm contemplating the idea of moving the actually filling the collection code out of the dataportal and into the shared fetch method so I could hook into it with the background worker, but I have at least 65 of those collections in my app that are all debugged and in production so instead I was thinking what if it just does as it does now (all at once when it's done instead of bit by bit as in that article on infragistics site) but the user can cancel the operation (so they can apply more filters to the query if it's taking too long).

I did find the answer and replied to my own post with it, someone has extended the background worker class and I followed that concept.

JCardina replied on Friday, May 12, 2006

Found the answer after doing some more searching: an immediately stoppable background worker:

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, May 12, 2006

I would be careful with a scheme like that. I didn't look at his code, so I don't know for certain, but odds are good that he's aborting the worker thread. That is dangerous in general, and is particularly problematic in a distributed setting (data portal, web service, you name it).

The reason aborting a thread is dangerous in general is that there are a few, rare, cases where you can get .NET itself into an indeterminate state (read: cause unpredictable crashes). I don't recall the details, but they have to do with aborting the thread when the thread is in the middle of constructing a new object - like a new business object, new String or whatever.

The reason aborting a client-side thread that has made a synchronous server-side call is dangerous is that all you've done is aborted the client-side thread. The server-side call is still active, and so the processing will continue on the server until it is complete. Then the results are essentially discarded into the bit bucket. I've personally seen cases where the server-side components got confused by the lack of a client and went into infinite loops and stuff like that - though not with remoting or web services.

I think a far better solution is to "chunk" your requests for data. Rather than having your read-only collection's factory directly call the data portal with a criteria object, instead you can have it call either another (private) read-only object or a CommandBase-derived object that goes to the server and gets just a chunk or page of data. When it returns, you add that data to the actual read-only collection and then repeat to get the next page. When there are no more pages of data, you are done.

This allows for cancelation, because between each page there's a point at which the factory method can decide not to get any more pages.

dean replied on Friday, May 12, 2006

If your lucky enough to use sql 2005 its new row_number() capabilitity can apparently make this approach much easier - see this article:

Custom Paging in ASP.NET 2.0 with SQL Server 2005


JCardina replied on Sunday, May 14, 2006

If your lucky enough to use sql 2005 its new row_number() capabilitity can apparently make this approach much easier - see this article:

Custom Paging in ASP.NET 2.0 with SQL Server 2005


Unfortunately we use a data access layer so we're supporting sql 2000 and up as well as FireBird and probably Oracle down the road.  Everything becomes so much more tricky when your supporting multiple databases.  I'll have a look though and see if I can get some inspiration from it for alternatives thank's for replying.

JCardina replied on Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hmmm..definitely something to ponder and test out.  I'd hate to cause an IIS server to crash when remoting, definitely not a good thing.

We initially just went with giving people the ability to filter their request, but people being people they seem to always just go for the whole list and in some cases it's taking minutes for the request to finish.

I'm refactoring what is dozens of read only collection based grid forms into hopefully as few or ideally one single form if possible to cut down on redundant code and make the port to the web interface as easy as possible.  It's amazing how a project can grow beyond what you expected very quickly and it's seemingly so much easier to just crank out another form when you need one.

I'd love to do the chunking thing, but I'll really have to ponder how to make it work.

For it to really work the business object would have to report back to the client after every chunk with the results of that chunk and check if the end user has cancelled.  This seems to be moving towards putting some of the business objects functionality in the client in a way.

Plus I'm supporting both SQL server and Firebird so I'm not sure how exactly to split the query into chunks in a DAL scenario.

Time for some experimentation I guess.

hurcane replied on Monday, May 15, 2006

For most of our inquiry forms that can be lengthy, the business scenario allows us to prevent the user from generating the inquiry unless that user has applied at least a single filter. For example, an inquiry of invoice line details may have millions of rows containing several years of data. To retrieve all the data at once would take a long time, and potentially tie up other tasks. The inquiry provides optional filters for customer, product ID, and -- most importantly -- a date range. If the user doesn't fill in at least something, they are presented a message that says they must fill in at least one field. This seems to be acceptable to our users. It turns out that most of the time, they really want to apply a filter.

Perhaps this is too restrictive for your users. In that case a confirmation message when there are no filters applied is enough. If they click OK, they have made a conscious choice to wait.

If even that were unsatisfactory, I would consider implementing the chunky pattern. Yes, that would involve the UI having to do more work, but I'm not sure that I would label that as putting business functionality in the UI.  The chunky interaction is just a different method of interaction. Some interaction is required between the UI and the business object.

When you set the properties or write code to bind a control to a business object property, you are defining the interaction between the UI and the business layer. There is no business rule that says you have to use data binding. We use it because it is productive.

Your UI form already has a line of code in the form "BusinessObject.GetBusinessObject(Criteria)". In my opinion, going to a chunky process that can be canceled is an extension of this single line of code.  I would not consider it putting business functionality in the UI. From the perspective of the UI, it just needs an event with a Cancel property in the event arguments.

The framework already provides protected events for when the data portal is invoked, when it completes, and when there is an exception. Perhaps a public DataPortalProgress event (with a Protected OnDataPortalProgress method) with a Cancel property in the EventArgs object might be a candidate for an extension to the framework.

There are some tricky details of such an implementation. As I think about the example scenario I have given (an inquiry grid, which means a read-only collection), the first step in the process would be for the shared GetBusinessObject() method to override the criteria when no filters have been applied. For example, the method might set the date range to retrieve the most recent month to start. With each round trip, another call would be made to the previous month. The appropriate date interval will depend on much data is in the database, of course.

If you're working with Windows Forms, the next problem that I can think of is merging results. The Shared method is going to get back an instantiated business object. If the process has not been canceled, how do you make another call through the data portal and get the results merged with your business object?

The simplest way I can think of is to have an AppendData(ByVal BusinessObject as BusinessObject) on the business object. This would be a very straightforward method.

Here's some pseudo-code for how I think I would write the Shared "Get" function...

Public Shared Function GetInvoiceLinesInfo(ByVal Criteria As InvoiceLineCriteria)
    If EmptyCriteria(Criteria) Then
       Criteria.DateTo = Today
       Criteria.DateFrom = "Criteria.DateTo - 30 days"

       ' Get the first chunk of data.
       Dim lineInfo as InvoiceLineInfo = DataPortal.Fetch(Criteria)

       ' Allow UI to cancel.
       Dim args As New PortalProgressEventArgs

       ' Keep getting more data until all done
       ' or user cancels.
       Do While lineInfo.HasEarlierData AndAlso Not args.Cancel

          Criteria.DateTo = "Criteria.DateFrom - 1 day"
          Criteria.DateFrom = "Criteria.DateTo - 30 days"

          ' Allow UI to cancel after this chunk.

       return lineInfo
       ' Use supplied criteria.
       Return DataPortal.Fetch(Criteria)
    End If

End Function

This is strictly off the top of my head. I'm not using this method. Some comments about method calls I made up. EmptyCriteria would check each filter property and return True if no filter properties have been defined. I have also referred to a HasEarlierData property. I think the DataPortal_Fetch woud include some SQL code like "If Exists(Select * from InvoiceLineHistory Where DateAdded < @DateFrom)". This would be used to set the HasEarlierData property. Inside the AppendData method, the HasEarlierData would be transferred from the most recently retrieved object to the primary object.

Another way to stop the loop is to create a separate variable for the appended results and check the count. When the Count = 0, the loop can be exited. This technique has a potential hole if a date range has no results, but there are still earlier results. In the given example, it's not likely that a business would have no invoice lines for 30 days, but there may be other business scenarios where it needs to be considered.

I hope this off-the-cuff response is helpful.

JCardina replied on Monday, May 15, 2006

I hope this off-the-cuff response is helpful.
Thank you, it gives me much to ponder.  Unfortunately we're using CSLA 1.3 (plus many modifications) ; there are no dataportal events in 1.3 AFAIK so I'd have to look at how that works in csla 2.x and see what can be done with it. 

I've been looking over the 2.x book which I just got last week and it's clearly almost entirely different than the code base we're using now.

I'm considering porting the app to csla 2.x but that won't happen for at least a year, it was just released in January after two years of development and is quite huge so it's not going to be an easy turn around by any means. 

However all in all I think the best idea is forcing or warning the user if no filter is applied, I can add that functionality quite easily and then it's clear to the user that they should be prepared to wait.

I've also identified that the largest bottleneck with large read only collections is the code in fetch that adds the safedatareader records to the collection itself so I'm looking at how to speed that up.  The actual sql query is pretty fast on either firebird or mssql for all but the most staggeringly large result sets.

Thanks again for replying so thoroughly to my dilemma.

Vaxman2 replied on Monday, May 15, 2006

You may want to look at upgrading to v1.52 as I believe 2 DataPortal events were added in v1.5..

xal replied on Monday, May 15, 2006

Yes, but I don't think these events are "interactive". They are only fired when the object has come back from the dataportal (succesfully or not).
You can't easily have a Progress event that returns info gradually from the dataportal (which btw would also further complicate your dataportal_fetch method).
I'm not into webservices, but I once asked about events triggered from web services to aid tha UI and someone told me it couldn't be done... (I just trusted the guy, and if it can be done, then sorry). So if web services lack this capability I figure it must be for a reason.

It would be good anyway, to be able to have some sort of comunication with the dataportal that allows you to.
a) Report progress from dataportal to the client
b) Ask the dataportal to abort a process from the client.

That all sounds very nice, but it's probably hell to implement... (and major changes to the way the dp works...)

Mis 2 chirolas


hurcane replied on Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Progress event I described would be defined within the business object. It's not part of the object. This is compatible with any version of CSLA.NET.

I would raise the event within the Factory Method, which is being invoked through the background worker. The factory method makes a data portal call for each chunk of data. Each data portal call returns a business object. These business chunks have to merge their data.

The dataportal fetch/merge repeats until there is no more data or the user cancels. When the user cancels, you even have the option of discarding the retrieved data or returning what had been retrieved before the user clicked the Cancel button.

This is 100% compatible with a remote data portal. There is no communication during the data portal call. The Progress event is always raised on the client from the shared factory method.

This technique will make retrieving all the rows slower than a single data portal call. This is a compromise that has to be made in order to provide a responsive Cancel button.

A balance has to be struck between the number of data portal calls and response time of the individual calls. The cancel button will only take effect between data portal calls. A user may click the cancel button immediately after the event was raised. In that case, the cancel will not take effect until after the next chunk of data has been retrieved (when the factory method raises the Progress event).

This balance point is dependent on the data being retrieved and your user's expectations of responsiveness.

JCardina replied on Monday, May 15, 2006

For the record I've been playing with this and a profiler and have discovered that it's a very fast operation to count the resultset without actually retrieving it in both FireBird and MSSQL (our app supports both), same query, same critiera system etc, just no columns specified and a Count(*) instead which works on both Firebird and MSSQL.

In fact a query that took 62 seconds on Firebird (8 seconds on sqlexpress!) to query and populate the read only collection takes only 1.5 seconds to get the count for the same query on FB and a fraction for mssql.

So what I'm thinking is I'm going to add a global setting to the application that is user configurable to pop up a warning if the potential result is over X number of records.  We'll default it to 1000 or whatever in the end seems appropriate and then let the end user adjust it accordingly as well as turn it off completely if desired.

This way they get a warning before a potentially time consuming result set, no warning before a minimally time consuming one, I don't need to worry about events and they can have full control over whether to accept or refine their criteria.  As well it's a very minor change to the dataportal methods as I can just add a count property in the criteria object.

If I had known just how efficient it is to count records on both platforms I would have gone with this from the start, it's potentially handy for other things as well.

Cheers to all for your comments, I'm sure they will be helpful to others as well down the road.

xal replied on Monday, May 15, 2006


Two comments:

1) Make sure you're testing everything using a remote dataportal so that you'll know if you're doing something bad. (Like expecting direct response from inside dataportal_fetch)

The way you put it, you'll need to make 2 dataportal calls instead of one.


2) Querying with count(*) is faster because it doesn't return all the data, but be aware that if the where clause you're using doesn't have an index that covers your query, it'll read all the table from start to end. (All that is an over simplification of a bigger issue that is not the point of this thread, but I bet a new thread will make a good discussion on the subject.) This stresses your server if you're working on big tables and you'll be doing that operation twice regardless of the cost of returning the results, which the user will probably want anyway.

Now, on that "the user will probably want anyway" part, generally, you have a rather static set of users, which generally use the app frequently, and eventually, learn what's good and what's not. So it'll come to a point when the user will be well aware of the time it takes the app to return a result set, and if it's big, you'll be forcing an unwanted overhead (of checking for count(*)). Besides, it adds a lot of repetitive coding which you will have to create and maintain.

If your user base is not stable (such as a web page of some sort), then _maybe_ it might be a better idea.

Anyway, in general it is best to do a good analisis and force better filtering before the user gets a change to call the dataportal for the lenghty tables.



JCardina replied on Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Now, on that "the user will probably want anyway" part, generally, you have a rather static set of users, which generally use the app frequently, and eventually, learn what's good and what's not. So it'll come to a point when the user will be well aware of the time it takes the app to return a result set, and if it's big, you'll be forcing an unwanted overhead (of checking for count(*)). Besides, it adds a lot of repetitive coding which you will have to create and maintain.

That's a very good point and the more I think about it the more it does make sense.  A lot of repetitive coding is something I don't want to do right now and you are right of course the users do quickly get a feel for what is a good idea and what isn't.

Lot's of good stuff in this thread, thank you.

JHurrell replied on Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Is there a legitimate busines case for allowing users to work with 1000 records? If not, you might want to just return the TOP 200 or so and display a note saying as much to the user.

I'm working on an application now where we've implemented such behavior for the same reasons you're struggling with. We're providing a filter page where users can see a list of records they want to either view in detail or edit.

It doesn't make sense for the user to look through thousands of records to find the one they want to work with.

Now, the users see the first 100. It's trained them to more carefully craft and select the filter criteria.

JCardina replied on Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Is there a legitimate busines case for allowing users to work with 1000 records?


Unfortunately yes: Reporting.

Our app is designed to report off what you see in the grid.  It's an elegant solution, they filter, sort whatever and the report they get is the same exact data which is very handy and intuitive.

Unfortunately for reporting purposes it's not unusual for users to want a *lot* more data than they would normally want to view on an ongoing basis.

It does give me some ideas though, since I'm moving the filtering code out of the built in method in the Infragisitcs grid component into a separate form so users can save filtered views and select them from a drop down, one of the criteria I could add as an option to that view is a maximum results field.

Or perhaps put a maximum results option in the toolbar as a drop down and default it low, so they could select 100, 1000, 5000 or all.

This "refactoring" all my read only collection grid forms into one is turning out to be very cool, now I can use some of these ideas quickly and easily and if something new comes along pop that in as well. 

It's amazing how enslaved you can become to a design just because of sheer quantity alone.

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